It's about time to write my very first blog entry here! In 11 days I'll be in a plane to Beijing. As you might know by now, I'll be in Australia for 5 weeks, to see something of the country and to visit the tennis tournaments in this country.
December 22nd, at 21.25 I will leave cold and freezing Holland to Beijing. There I have some hours to move to another terminal, for a flight to Sydney. When all goes without troubles and delays, I'll be in Sydney at 7.40 am on monday morning, december 24th.
I have never been this far away in my entire life, so I don't know if I'll be knocked down by a jetlag or not, but I hope to do some sightseeing already that first day. I am told it's warm in Sydney, so with the cold weather here in Holland, i can only be happy with that news. I do have some plans for my stay down under, varying from sightseeing, visiting Koalas and going to the beach, to going to all the tennis tournaments, do some hiking and go surfing for a weekend. Will tell more in a blog about my plan later this week or next week...
My goal for this trip is to write regular updates on here, with my experiences accompanied by pictures. Not sure if I'll have wifi everywhere I go, but at least the will is there to update daily.
The picture in this blog entry was taken on december 5th, when I was with two friends at Roland Garros for a tour behind the scenes. A perfect way to tell everyone where I am going for the next trip.
So, I'm currently at work, but when I come home tonight, I continue thinking about what to pack. It all has to fit in one backpack, so if you have some golden tips for me how to pack properly for 5 weeks, I am all ears!
See ya soon,
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