Day 7 of our adventure in Rajasthan. Before leaving Khumbalgarh, Jasvir our driver takes us to see a temple, he says we'll have to walk about 1 km to access it & we thought it's gonna be a peaceful walk for us, we're used to walking the both of us so nothing could defeat us lol! What he didn't tell us is that the temple was situated dow…
Neuvième jour: nous partons direction Agra, et sur la route nous nous arrêtons au temple des singes, un temple où des centaines de singes parcourent les différents édifices et n'hésitent…
Nous entamons notre huitième journée par la visite de la forteresse d'Amber, perchée sur une falaise et entourée d'une muraille de 9km de long. Le fort commandait une gorge étroite sur la…
Septième jour de notre aventure au Rajasthan, avant de quitter Khumbalgarh, Jasvir nous emmène visiter un temple, il nous dit qu'il faudra marcher 1 km environ pour y accéder, 1 kilomètre …
Day 7 of our adventure in Rajasthan. Before leaving Khumbalgarh, Jasvir our driver takes us to see a temple, he says we'll have to walk about 1 km to access it & we thought it's gonna be a…
Anda q desde luego...lo estais bordando ehhhh!!!???....ala a disfrutar.....besos mil
Edyta (the gorgeous one)
You crazy chickas. Looks like you're having lot's of fun and that's how it should be. What an adventure!!! Obviously can't read Spanish up-dates, but just as well I can read French....