swimming with bats and speaking english in my sleep
so no picture updates for the blog as long as i'm in cambodia. i tryed even the internet cafes, but it's no use. the internet it's just too slow. so i will try again bali.
well the school project has started fairly good here with interviews and observations. this weekend half of the group went for a bit of a change of scene. i joined as well. we went to a bigger city battanmbang. the city it self was bit dirty and not so attractive. but we went with the motorcycles to the near by villages and to the jungle. we also participated to an expat party. it was arranged by a girl who is involved with the orphans. it wasn't anything spectacular, but it was nice to hear about their work and interact with them. and finally we came back to siam reap with a river boat. the boat broke down in the beginnig, because the water way was just so shallow. it was nice to go through all the floating villages. but it was also bit depressing, how the locals just dump everything to the river. the banks were mountains of garbage at some parts of the river. we laso crossed the near by lake. the whole trip took only few days, but it was just so action packed that it felt like 5 days. there was practically no tourism in the city and we as a group were really the sight for the locals. i have never had such an experience, being an only tourist. all the locals are so nice though, always smiling and eager to change few words.
i'm definately more settled here now. my homesickeness to melbourne has disappeared abit. getting more use to the heat and the people around me. i think the hard part was to get use to not doing anything and just relaxing at first. also getting use to the slow paste of things. this is of course all compared to melbourne. but as i said, heaps better now and also enjoying things much more.
so from now one i just keep updating my blog only in writing. maybe i try to put few pictures again. it's just so frustrating...
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