It's almost two o'clock in the morning on the first night of the trip and a few of us just got back from a bar. My plan was not to go out until we were in Salamanca but that changed when a girl said there was live music and mojitos.
I'm on a ten day semi tour of Spain with all the rotary students and apparently this trip is a blast. I know the five hour bus ride was a hoot = great start. Now we're in Granada. We got here kind of late so we ate and then took a bus into the town so that we could see a view. That ended up being a half hour walk, but a beautiful half hour walk, up stair so old they slanted into almost a ramp, between super close gorgeous houses with vines, orange trees and a cool upside down tree. There was some art on the way too and I love spain. The view was nice - the cathedral and alhambra were are lit up and there was a cute cafe at the top, it was closed though.
Then we were told about this place - I think they were just desperate for people, proven upon our entrance there - with live music and deals on mojitos. Then we felt a little weird because the Rotary guys were there and everything they say seems to be contradictory. But then Mr Chaperone came with us and got beer with a student so the mojitos were a definite go. And it was good. The music was known stuff like Mrs Robinson, Come Together, These Boots and they were good. Then I went up. I'm not going to say it was good, at all. But the experience of playing is always rewarding. I forgot some chords, actually could not talk before I went to sing and have not practiced in two months but hey, I'm in Granada for only one night, I'm living in Spain, we're told to always say yes. My friend Juliet and I sang a duet of Romeo and Juliet together and she sang a song too. It was fun, and I should have had a second mojito, but the adrenalin mixed with the cute drummer behind me turned out decent I guess. I'm proud though of myself and Juliet; I'm glad my bus buddy is up for the same things as me.
Last night I stayed in Madrid with the Pamplonians in a hostel, we went to two art museums which was very nice and I'm excited to be spending my night after the trip there too. Madrid is an interesting city but I don't know it well enough to describe it fully; good art though.
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