On wakeup we are greated by a Dear and her Bambi stroling between the cars On THE parking . We follow THE shore all THE way to Tahola . A visit to the Casino in THE Indian reserve then tru Copalis to Pacific beach State Parc , Seabrook ( a new ressort ) to Moclips and end of THE world Tahola . This is a not very prospery looking Indian fishersvillage to far away to make a Casino working . But the surroundings are great and THE vieuws On THE beaches astonishing . On THE way Home we buy Some haddock and 2 lonelylooking lobstertails.
I Cook them with herbs and with basilbuttersauce and a salad and a bottle of Champagne They are mmmmmmmm . Inbetween I do prepare the Carbonnades . The haddock for diner with mousseline Ends the interesting day
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