hiya everyone!
thought i better get some pics up so you know i actually got here! i didnt just bottle it at heathrow :op
anyways ill update you on my progress so far.
melbourne wasnt great in the end because i was so jet lagged and felt really sick but i suppose when you travel that far you cant have it all. didnt get to see much, went up to the top of the melbourne observatory where you can see over the whole city, that was pretty cool, other than that i felt sick and tired and wished i was at home :op
so now im in sydney, arrived on monday night, quite late so i just went to bed, was sort of dreading the next day because no one had spoken to me so far and i thought i was probably gonna spend this whole trip on my own! anyway after a good sleep and a call home i felt better and got chatting to a few people at the hostel.
another girl called vicky had just arrived too so we set off together exploring sydney. saw the opera house and harbour bridge first, that was surreal, it was really odd being in a place that youve only ever seen in post cards. it was a pretty cool feeling though :) then we got lost trying to find the hostel but it all worked out, in the end :op
next day we went and checked out the aqarium (i saw nimo!) i was behaving like a proper child with all the big sharks and nemo of course. it was an amazing place though, although i think i may have to cut down the amount of fish pictures i took! then went up the sydney tower (they must have one in every city) which was pretty much the same as the melbourne one but with sydney. looking over the harbour was ace because all the lines of the shore make it actually look like you looking at a massive map :D then did the oz trek which was one of those moving seat rides, gave me a head ache tho :op (one of the girls in our dorm said it was the best thing she'd done in sydney, we think she needs to get out more)
yesterday went to bondi beach, no pics sadly coz didnt wanna leave my cam, but it was so pretty, golden sands and beautiful clear seas, shame im such a shorty though because the waves just knocked me down! it was cool just lying around chilling now, it seems that what this whole country does all the time, i dont blame them!
you will be sad to hear that it is absoltely roasting over here! the sun is beautiful and it certainly makes a change to cloudy grey sky. slapping on the sun cream tho like a true brit (or maybe not like a true brit seen as they are always burned) but just being able to sit outside it awesome.
been to the bar at the hostel a couple of times, its quite nice, just a bit of a backpacker bar but the drinks are cheap between 8 and 9 ;) also went to a cheers bar! sadly it isnt where everyone knows your name but i did get pretty excited to be fair :op
then last night me and a couple of people from the hostel got a boat round the harbour, it was a bit of a nightmare coz it rained and we missed the right boat but luckily we found a bar, haha. they serve beers over here in scooners, its like a little minature pint, im sure your getting a worse deal but i dont really care at this point :op
i saw a cockroach on the street last night! eurgh it was gross!
hostels here are nice,checked out of one and into another this morning, didnt really need to as it turned out but never mind, its all payed for :op
on the plane from hong kong you could watch world trade centre! how comical! i didnt indulge in a screening of it tho!
thats all on the other stuff, except i miss marmite :op
thats all for now i think. i head off up the east coast tomorow for a surf lesson! woohoo! gotta be up at about half 5 tho, very not woohoo :op we will see how that goes anyway.
missing you all and missing home a little bit but its getting both easier and harder (dont ask me how that works!) hope everyone is well and itd be great to hear from you guys, always nice to wake up to an e mail or two :D
lots and lots of love to everyone!
maz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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