Hi there everyone!
Today I popped over to Canberra, ACT (Australian Capital Territory) for a visit to learn about some Australian history. Soooo many people kept telling me not to go and that it is boring but I really enjoyed it and learnt loads too.
I left Sydney this morning at 8am and didn't get back until 10.30pm, so its a long day but I would recommend this day trip rather than a stopover unless you are massively into history and museums and want to spend a few days wandering about.
So, Canberra is a purpose built city, which means it is very modern but has little other purpose than to house the parliament. People only tend to live here if they are in the civil service or hospitality industry, there really is nothing else in Canberra.
Canberra and the ACT state came about because the two big rivals Melbourne and Sydney both wanted to be the national captial. No one could decide so some land was claimed from NSW and was named ACT and so Canberra was built. Interesting to note though that NSW surrounds ACT, which is a bit strange. I thought they would have built it slap bang between NSW and VIC.
Anyway, Canberra is very small but has lots of green open space and you certainly don't feel like you are in a capital city, its has little traffic and is very quiet and calm.
So I visited the National Museum, which was very interesting. Remember Australia is only just over 200 years old so it was interesting to hear how Captain Cook first found Sydney and how the country was colonised. There are also some great Aboriginal artefacts in there too (see the mask piccie in my photos).
We also then had a guided tour around the new parliament house. Its was Prime Ministers question time so we got to sit in and have a listen. Generally they behave the same way as our MPs, talking over each other and booing loudly like school children. Nonetheless, nice to say I've seen the countries prime minister in person!
We then had a bus tour of the capital. Another interesting feature is that all the embassies and high commisions are built next to each other and only exist in Canberra. Not like the ones in the UK that are spread all over London and the rest of the UK. They are all really pretty buildings too, to represent their countries culture.
We had great views of the Captain Cook Memorial Fountain and I managed to get a good photo of a rainbow through it, quite impressive for me. It was 27 degrees today so a nice day all round.
Finally we visited the war museum. I find all the war things a bit depressing and very sad in all honesty but I thought that the water feature with a burning flame, called the pool of reflection was really nice. I had a good look round and learnt some stuff about Anzac day, as that is coming up in April.
We then finally reached the top of Mount Ainslie to take some great photos of the views of Canberra then set out for the 4 hour bus ride home.
I really enjoyed today, although museums aren't everyones cuppa tea, and to be honest not really mine (apart from the zoology and science ones), the tour was completely guided so you learnt the important stuff but didn't spend too long in each place. Having the important bits pointed out makes it interesting. If you have loads of time in Oz / Sydney I really would recommend Canberra as a day trip.
So whats next? I have 3 months left of my trip............... next stop Melbourne (over Easter) for the Great Ocean Rd, Penguin Parade and of course, I can't come all this way without visiting Ramsay St.
Oh and by the way Neighbours fans, Karl and Susan have gone to get remarried in London and Julian Clarey, Parkinson and Neil Morrisey have been in Neighbours - how random!? Not sure what the hells going on there and that was only one episode!
Till next time
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