Sunday 3rd
Up bright and early to head towards interlaken, Switzerland - beautiful area with mountains and lakes. Try to find a park in the town so we can go for a wander and end up getting yelled at by waiters from a nearby restaurant. Cannot imagine why they wouldn't want our flash vans parked up in front of their restaurants but oh well.
Finally found a bus park and everyone bar Margot and muffy (who stayed in the vans feeling sick and slept) wandered into town and had a few beers much to margots annoyance when she found out they went to hooters! Bad time to take a nap. Average boobies anyway.
Drove around the lake a wee bit to a lookout over the lake and made some dinner. We weren't allowed to camp in this area so we drove a couple of km down and found a spot.
Monday 4th
Woke up this morning looking awful after having a fever all night -feeling very cold but skin very hot all over. Took her to the interlaken hospital where we were seen by a student doctor who did every test under the sun for what we knew was a sinus/throat infection. Ended up getting a million blood tests and put on a drip for a few hours to lower the fever down from 39.2. Nurse was a horrible old bag and was very rough, especially as Margot doesn't like needles.
Checked out feeling fantastic, until we got the bill!! $550nzd because the Swiss health system is so advanced (wish we had checked it out earlier maybe and gone to France!) lucky we have good insurance.
Went on to Grindelward to meet the others who were going zip lining. Unfortunately we couldn't quite catch them.mwent to the top of the First gondola where there are goats and cows with bells just chilling -these animals have the worlds best view! Could see two glaciers from the top and also the peak of Jung Frau we think which Apparently is the highest point in Europe. From the top we zip lined down the first bit. Thought it was going to be much faster but it was still fun. Then we get the gondola down to the next section where we pick up trolli-bikes (scooter bike things) and do the last bit of the mountain down to the start of the gondola. This s*** was scary! It was quite steep and the worst part was that there were children passing Margot. It had started to rain in the last bit and we contemplated not doing it due to the morning events but YOLO.
Went back to interlaken to find the others who had booked into a camp site. Massive downpour. Early to bed for some well needed rest. Pretty good day for someone who looked like they were in their deathbed in the morning.
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