We arrived in the USA safe and sound, in the state of Florida, the sunshine state and we now know why it got it's name! The place was sooo hot, a nice change after a couple of months of freezing! So after we thawed out we booked into our hostel in South Beach, the Art Deco quarter of Miami Beach. While we waited for our room to be ready we went for breakfast at the famous News Cafe, where the people watching is fantastic! Then we spent the day doing ALL of our laundry and had a walk into the town. We walked around the Art Deco quarter which was put onto the National Register of Historic Places in 1979. The buildings are all pastel and angular and have all been restored.
The next day, July 4th, we decided to head into downtown Miami and Little Havana, but soon turned back. It was like a ghost town, because of the holidays so we headed back to bustling South Beach on the bus, where we met Crazy Ken, the 'Queen' of Miami! The three of us headed to the 8th Street Showers, where Ken assured us was THE place to be! Bascially, he just wanted to perve on the men in the shower on the beach! So, who were we to stop him! We sat there with a 'Call a Cab, with a shot of Attitude Improvement', frozen cocktails from Wet Willies for most of the afternoon! Must have been the cocktails that inspired our idea for our own t.v show, 'Ken Dolls', which would be the three of us in a Pop Idol style show based at the 8th Street Showers, where we rated people coming off the beach...see the photos and cast your vote! We had a great afternoon and Ken gave us lots of ideas for the places we are visiting! That night we went to the beach to watch the firework displays and to celebrate Independence Day! Not a patch on November 5th on Gresley Common!!!
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