Howdy people
As you can see we are in Turkey & continuing to have a blast!! & judging from the state of Karl's tonsils, probably too much of a blast..... blame the camel wrestling festival for that we think!!!
Anyway, since i last updated you we entered turkey on Weds & headed straight for Eceabat on the Gallipoli peninsula - we stayed at the Boomerang Bar and were kept well entertained by the fabulous owner Mesut, who is a real character!
On thursday we visited Anzac cove & spent some hours visiting the many cemetries, trenches & the beach head where it all started - it was a very sad & moving experience but one which we're very glad we made. The museum was also very interesting, with many artefacts & did a lot to explain how & where it all went horribly wrong for our troops.
Friday, we headed off to Behramakale & Assos & although raining - it was a beautiful drive thru the hills. The tiny village of Behramkale was soooo cute & sat at the top of the hill shrouded by the remains of the Temple of Athena. The tiny stone town of Assos at the foot of this hill, was also too cute - it had a small fishing marina & about 10 hotels/restaurants.
Saturday we drove thru to Selcuk for Ephesus, we met a great couple from Aus who were also travelling, so we hooked up with them for the day.....
First we went to the last believed home of the Virgin Mary - which is tucked away in the mountainside surrounding Ephesus - it is believed she was bought here by John the baptist for her own safety - there is a shrine/chapel with some history to back up this claim - also the last 3 pope's including Pope Benedict have all visited here & left offerings/gifts.
Then we went to the ancient city of Ephesus which is a remarkable place - and would have been a massive city of which a huge amount is still intact. The foto's don't do it much justice but gives a good description of how well preserved it all is. There is still a major archealogical 'dig' underway & more relics are being found daily.
Next we went to the Ephesus Camel wrestling Festival!!!! Probably the most bizarre sport i've ever come across - basically, they feed the camels beer, dress them up, parade them around the ring, prepare them to fight & let them get on with it!! - from what we could fathom, one has to overpower the other by either biting the ankles or pushing down on the other ones neck til it falls over! - which isn't relly hard considering they are drunk on beer!!!! It was fun - if somewhat cruel - but the locals love it & make a real day of it & they looked after us with food, drink & entertainment as well.
Anyway, the outcome of which, is that Karl is now in bed with tonsillitis!So until the next time we can find wi-fi, i'm gonna say see ya - & take care of you's - be happy & healthy. lots a luv Mandy & Karl xxxx
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