Im sorry guys.. I have been really bad at updating this thing lately.. To be honest its all to blame on alcohol.. There has been way to much of it and its making me lazy. Since last time I blogged I have been to Wanaka, Queenstown, Geraldine, Christchurch and Kaikoura. Ill give you a quick runthrough. :)
Wanaka was easy. We just hung out in the hostel and watched a movie in the commonroom. On the way out we stopped at this place called the puzzling world, which was quite cool! There was lots of different optical illusions and a big maze on the outside. We were stuck in the maze for a while, but it was good fun:)
After puzzlingworld we drove on to Queenstown and I was booked in to do my canyon swing this afternoon. I was horrified.. 5.30 was my time to get checked in and jump off a cliff into 60m freefall and 200m swing. We came to Queenstown around mid-day I think and I had to go around for ages being nervous.. hated it, hated myself a little. Why do we do stuff like that to ourselves? well, I got picked up and driven out to this cliff.. I was a bit guttsy and thought I would be able to just jump right off, but I freaked out.. I managed to jump of just forwards, which is "boring".. I was quite happy. It was amazing! The feeling you get is out of this world! So, I did a second jump. Thisone was more gutsy. I hung upside down and backwards. I was guite happy about that. The rest of our time in queenstown was really just a drunken mess to be honest.. Daytime we hung out in the hostel sleeping or in the park sleeping. Then at night we went out again and again. We also took one day and drove for some 4 hours one way to go see Milford sound, which is more or less the same as Lysefjorden and such back home. I mostly slept on the bus there so it was allright.. And the sights were really good.
After Queenstown I needed a detox badly. I hopped off in Geraldine to go whitewater rafting. Me and three other girls got to stay in this big cabin in the middle of nowhere on our own, which was just what I needed really. We made ourselves dinner and watched a movie. Good times. There was one problem thi night and that was my booking of my next hostel in Christchurch. I tried to call all the hostells in the city, but there were no vacancies what so ever. I was prepared to go sleep in a park or at the trainstation.. Bad times. Its funny how things sort the selves though. I kept saying to myself that everything wa gonna be allright and that I would sort something out and then one of the girls in the cabin remembered one of her friends had a free bed in a twin room and wanted to split the cost with someone. Jackpot! I got the bed in the room and as they say "det ordner seg for snille jenter".
In the morning we got up and hung about for a while before we journied out to go rafting on Rangitata river. It was great fun! The river had two grade 5 parts to it which was pretty exciting! We alo got to cliffjump from a 4 and a 9m cliff. I chickened out on the 9 for overthinking my jump and Im still angry with myself for that. Oh well..
Christchurch is honestly a bit of a s***ty city these days.. There was a massive earthquacke there some years ago, so the city is still in recovery.. This means there was nothing much to do. The hostel we were staying in though was really cool! It was an old jail that they had turned into the jailhouse hostel. Our rooms were old cells and had the massive doors and all. That night me, Mario (canada) and Sheona (Scottland) had a blast in our cell. Sheona made us hot chocolate with bailyes and we had a good time. Afterwards we walked around the empty streets of Christchurch for a while, looking for a pub or something.. We were unsuccesful. The only chance was the casino that we gave up in the end (except Sheona, she never gave up.. it was her mission to get us pissed that night, but she failed).
Next stop was Kaikoura. On the bus we sign up for differen activities we want to do every day. And this day had swimming with the dolphines as an option. As I put my name on that piece of paper I almost started to cry.. My mission-song (the ecstasy of gold - metallica) was playing on my ipod and everything just became way more exciting than it could ever be. I had to gather myself for a good couple of minutes. When we came to Kaikoura we went down to check in at the dolphin encounter-center and got this warning that it might not be happening that day because of a wind warning they had got.. I mean, WHAT?? Nature hates me.. It got even better when we came back a little later to depart and as I walked in the door a bird took a s*** on my head and the trip then got cancelled.. I was in the worst mood ever.. I was signed up for the morning swim instead (at 5.30 in the morning, my god...). After going out to watch some seals and getting in third on a quiz and having some 4 hours of sleep it was time. Me dolphin encounter was a fact. Skipping the part of getting there and all the excitement Im gonna just tell you about the swim. IT WAS FANTASTIC!!! We had to keep making lots of sound and entertain the dophines to keep them interested as they were wild. As I would I went crazy. I kept talking/laughing/crying/squealing and squeaking and the dolphines loved it. We did four different swims and between two the lady on the boat told me that the dolphines loved me and that I was dolphine central, because they were just gathering around me all the time. I was in heaven, best experience I ever had! I had a couple of dolphines that I swam with for a solid 5 minutes or more at one time. We were chasing eachother and just playing and having a great time! I was really sad to leave, but comming back to shore I had to jump stright back on the Kiwi bus and journey on to the ferry that took us to Wellington.
And Wellington is where I am sitting right now. Yesterday ended up beeing a bit messy again as Im now travelling with some new crazy people. This morning we have been walking around the city and me and Jess (UK) have gone mad in a fancy dress-shop.. We bought bubble-guns and hats and all sorts. Its gonna be a great night! ha. We are going to a gig tonight to see some dj, which is pretty cool I guess.
So there. Thats all for now I think! I now have to go get ready for this gig! Hope this makes up for my lazyness.. love to you all! xx
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