JaY dOeS aUsTrAlIa
well hello again.
as you probably read on the last update i put on hear we was meant to be staying at perth. well that didnt happen quite as planned as we decided to come back down hear to margaret river. this is our home now for the next three month as we have got a home that we are renting.
its well nice 4 b/room 2 bathroom short walk from town. feels ace being able to just lounge about in your own home. got the house yesterday. got a job to yesterday so thats good now i can finally start getting some money in for myself. wayhey!
not able to put pics of the house on the net but if you want a look just ask me mam and shell have some.
walked back from my induction last night to the house and it was rediculously dark couldnt see your hand in front of your face. o and i got chased by a dog wich i later realised was with a owner and the daft get didnt say anything. scared the crap outa me.
anyways got my first proper day on monday and doing all week all day so will def get some cash geva then.
for all them who dont already no i have booked my flight home for a later date and i am now coming home on the 25th march 07.
well keep updating us on how its going over there and someone tell us how united is going on! i cant be bothered to try and get it up on the net.
cyas jay
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