JaY dOeS aUsTrAlIa
hello people!
so you still following my travells are you good good! well what a time iv had since i last spoke! cant remember were i last updated from.... o yes there i was! last time i spoke i was in byron bay! Byron bay was real nice a bit of a backpackers place so prices were stupid! when we first arrived the weather was allrite and the campsite we found was litterally on the beach so we booked it for a couple of nights, but pretty much as soon as we parked the van we got bombed by rain and did we so it leatherd it down gutted! pretty much the whole two days we were there it rained! on one moment that we had to get out when it wasnt raining we shot out to have a look around! we was walking down the road and we heard a voice behind us 'o' my god' and it was leona from our trip in asia who we hadnt seen since our last night in singapore! for the gals sorry we didnt meet at night but keep in touch be good to hear how your travvels are going to! same to every1 on that trip!
next day we traveld down south further were we arrived at a campsite just to get some kip before heading down to sydney next day! when we arrived at the campsite the owner told us that there was a chance that there could be twister as there had been a small one close by the night before! awrite! but unlikely for me and luckily for everyone else non turned up.
anyways the next day we shot of down to sydney but stupid us again didnt plan ahead and ended up trekkiing around sydney for a hotel to stay just like we did in brisbane! but finally got one! that night had an amazing night out bought a didgerydoo wich is awsome! also had a meal with a view of the opera house and couldnt get much closer than were we was! anyways nexy day we travelled in land to the blue luntains!
arived at the blue mountains and went to see the three sisters as you can see on the pics they are pretty impressive! taht bight we stayed at a really weird town but in a rteally cool hostel! we pulled up and slept in the van behind! it was so cool they had a log burner in side and out and had a full kitchen with some free food was well cool pitty we was only staying one night!
anyway next day we travelled down to canberra the capital of ausi! when we arrived we found that something was going as all the places were fully booked up so wes stayed outa town! and that is were we arrived at melbourne today so gunna have to tell you what goes on in these days next time!
love to all
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