JaY dOeS aUsTrAlIa
hello peaple well we have landed here in australia, well did early yesterday morning. not done much yet just had a walk round to get our barrings. but im liking already. you wanna see our pool at the hotel its ace and a luxury to have a pool while we havent had one while weve bin away lol. im liking it! bet your all thinking why the hell are we on the net again but ali needed sort some stuff on comp and i wasnt standing around like a wet lemon. lol think we are going to visit the zoo some time while we are here wich will be cool. then we get to werever steve erwin is we will be visiting that one to lol.
just sorting our cash out now its a budgeting time now big time cant wait to get the van so we dont have to buy meals we can buy our own food and cook our selves wich is guna be alot cheaper.
seen a load of the wicked camper vans about they look pretty smart so when we get ours youll be getting a pic of our mystery machine without a dowt lol! well be seeing you soon cya l8a jay
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