Well it seems that I have come full circle. I am now back home in Sydney and loving it! I really missed my friends here and glad to be with them again. Things are great, I got my second working holiday visa yipppy!! so I get to enjoy OZ for a while longer weee!!! I have found a great house to live in, really big and sharing with wicked people. It's north sydney, really close to public transport and the nearby town is really cool with a cosmopolitan feel to the place. I also have a possible job opporunity which is cool as the rent is a little higher than normal but it's worth it for living in luxury!! I think I will go for this job and also find something in childcare work too!! wish me luck with that! Anyways, I have to fill you in with the missing gaps before I got to Sydney. So, I left the Alpaca farm and headed towards Hervey Bay. I stayed in a YHA hostel in Hervery Bay, which was great but in the middle of nowwhere!!! I tried to find the local store TWICE and TWICE I didn't find it! JUST DOWN THE ROAD, the staff said! I have to be honest, HB was not nice at all, the beach was a crappy and the whole layout of the place was not build in a convient way for the backpackers. It was just really spread out and difficult to get around!! But I didn't really go to HB for the sights, I went because it was my gateway to FRASER ISLAND. Well that was an adventure. I went on a 4X4 two day one night bus trip to the Island. The first day when we boarded the ship to get us across the Island, it was rained cats and dogs lol!! I thought great, i just paid for this trip and the weather is crap, Fantastic lol!!! However, it did clear up and it was mild but warm. It is a fantastic Island, so verstile. We saw the forest part and I learnt a lot about the nature of the Island. Basically it is an Island built on sand. All the plants, trees, etc are on top of sand. It has ideal climate for nature to grow, it's amazing. You have these massive trees with other plants growing on top of them, called stag horns! They live independantly of the trees, they catch the water on thier leaves and this is how they servive. I also discoverd a berry type fruit which if you suck in your mouth, it makes your whole mouth go numb!! cool ey!! The Aboriginals used it as medicine. They also used long banana tree leaves to carry water and their babies. So funny!! but incredible. They also used to eat this deadly posion fruit which they would was under running river water. Many died eating this fruit untill they found that they would have to leave the fruit in the water for 10 days so the posion would be washed out of it. It took 10years to get his right!! LOL what a way to learn ey hehe!! It really was a very interesting place, the guide was great, really informing us of everything.
After the days activities, we stayed at comfortable motel and I shared with two girls, one from germany and the other from the UK. Efe and anna!! They were great, had soo much fun! thanks girls for making it a great trip!! We also met sebastian and his cousin ,from chile! He made the trip a really funny one! Thanks sebastian maria de la cruz!! haha only joking! it's not his real name, just liked to tease him!!!
The second day at the Island was also amazing! We went to swim in this Lake_ Lake Mackenzie. You have never seen beauty like this!! it was something from the blue lagoon! Heaven on Earth. The white sand, crystal clear blue waters and beautiful green scenery in the distance aww magic!! I will never forget it! It's an experience which takes your breath away and you almost feel that you are dreaming!! The water was perfect.. I had a little snooze and before I knew it, it was time to go awww!! but I will definatley come again! It was off to the next lake-To get to this one, we had to walk miles on sand dunes. It was surreal, i felt i was in the desert lol.. I am glad it was not too hot that day, as I don't think I would have managed walking it in heat of summer.. Anways, after half fainting hehe, we got to see this magnificent lake, it was as if we discovered a beautiful secret. The water here was green but as nice as the other lake. It was magic too!!
I musn't forget to mention the champagne pools and the 75 mile beach. They were equally out of this world. I had the best time of my life in Fraser Island and will never forget it. The Island really touched my soul and I hope to come back soon.
So sadly the day come to depart the Island, I went back to the isolated hostel in HB hehe!! and waited for my next bus at 01.025am LOL. I was headed to Brisbane. Which later I regret. I got there and the hostel didn't know anything about my reservation lol! this really annoyes me cos what's the point in reserving early lol!! oh well! I took one of those really touristy buses which take you round the city!! hehe I know really cheesy but I was feeling lazy and didn't want to walk round... It was crappy weather and I don't think this helped things. I didn't really think much of Brisbane, it's a small version of Sydney. No comparison really! I think it is a place that has to grow on you... A bit of an anti-climax as there is so much hipe about the place! I didn't stay long, the following morning I was off to Byron Bay.
WOW, what a place! really nice, funky,.. I was lucky to have good sunny weather. I nearly killed myself walking to the lighthouse. it was really hot and the walk seemed to go on for miles lol... But the view was worth it, lovely scenes of the sea, the town and the green scenery.. Really was a magical place. I think I was too ambitious: as in the afternoon I did some surf classes>> well I was sick and had a massive headache! I think I had overdone it in the morning with the walk and then to surf in wild waves not a good idea haha!! But I did manage to stand once on the board.. It's a really hard sport, and It seems you have to go through pain to get anywhere, my knees were scraped and my arms where aching from carrying this mother of a board lol... not sure if I would take it up again!! I think I might just stick to hot surf dude watching heheh...
In the middle of my trip, I had to find another farm to finish my time. I needed 11 days more to complete my 3 months work. I rang around and no luck. However, I finaly had luck with a lady who owned a Macademia Farm, 40mins from Byron. Perfect I thought! So she picked me up and off we go to her farm. She was really nice. It was the hardest time though as It was rainning all the time and I need to make up my time. So busted my guts working in rain lol!! But it was worth it, as I got my visa in the end...
So here I am back in Sydney! I guess I won't be writing much now as it's boring stuff like finding a job, you know city life. However I am planning a trip to either Melbourne-Adelaid, great ocean road OR Uluru-Alice Springs-Darwin. I will keep you posted! But for now, I hope you enjoy reading my blog and viewing my pics.
untill next time,
cheers big ears!
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