Russian roads
3000km in 6 days
I might try and fill in gaps later but for now I'll give you a quick run down of were I've been. I left Vladivostok about 12pm the day after getting the bike and made my way towards Khaborovsk, I stuck a few sections on road works, but it was mostly good road. Camped off the side in what looked like a rubbish tip, but I don't think it was... Made another 500km or so the next day on again mostly good roads, broken up with sections of roadworks. Again camped off the side of the road and met a fella who was collecting some stones (!) that didn't speak English, but someone he knew did and he rang her on his mobile phone and I had a breif conversation with her about who I was and were I was going! Weird. The next day was more fun with all offroad stuff and few big tankslappers in the loose bluestone that they love putting down as road base. Camped next to a river and spoke to few fisherman. Rained most of the next day and was cold as the love for your ex wife (I presume). Came across a village as I was looking for somewhere to camp that had a guesthouse and stayed there. Had a shower!
These roads are mainly used by Russians driving fairly new looking Japanese cars that come in at Vladivostok, they then drive them to Chita or maybe evern Moscow to be sold. They don't look too new after that I guess, although they tape up all the paintwork and seem to have different wheels on them (photos soon!). They are all very friendly and interested in where you are going, where ya from etc. That is until, during a killer overtaking manouvour of 4 such cars being performed by myself around the outside of a very narrow rough section, I ran out of road at the same time that the lead car decided to stop. I locked up both wheels and did almost everything to stop hitting him but still managed to smack the rear bar of a spankin new Mazda 3. Why did this happen? Well some of you would say that I was going too fast, but being a firm believer that there is no such thing as "too fast" I would have to say that he was going to slow. Anyway we sorted it out with the exchange of some money and I was on my way with no damage to me or the DR. I'll make it next time...
Arrived in Chita about 9:30pm the next day, found a hotel and slept. Need to find a new rear tyre as I've worn out this one, thats what I'm going to do now.....
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