Hey Macklen!! Happy 4th of July! Hope you wore your red white and blue and shouted God Bless America all over the streets of Spain!:) Patrick said you would... I hope you are having a fabulous time- I'm sure you are:)
love, meghan
Hi Mackie!!
It is so great to read up on all your travels. It sounds like you are having the best time and the pictures you are taking are BEAUTIFUL. I'm so jealous that you got to see the Van Gogh museum. I bet you're just soakin' up all that art and lovin' it :) You keep starin' down those creepy men and let 'em know you mean business! I love hearing about everything that's going on with you and remember to be safe and have fun!!! Can't wait to see you soon.
Love you,
Uncle Randy
Hey Mackie......
Just got back from trips to San Fran, Sacramento, San Jose, and on the way to Durango. Can you believe how boring that sounds compared to Athens, Paris, Mykonos, and Spain !! You are too cool for sharing this amazing experience. As you know, I speak fluent French that for some reason only I understand !! However, you and I can sit on the beach in NC with a late afternoon "euro beer" and completely confound our families with our language prowess. You are so right to describe this journey as a way to embrace a world on "one" people. What you read in the newspaper or see on TV has nothing to do with what you are experiencing face to face.
Thanks so much for sharing your adventure. With you as our ambassador, we can't go wrong. Be safe.
Love, Unc
Hey Macky, I just figured out how much of a dork I am. We (Casey, Sierra and I) just e-mailed you...so next time we'll use this message board. In short, sounds like you are having quite the experience! We will be so ready to hear your sotries at the beach house! love you! Auntie D, Casey and Sierra. (Steve isn't here right now. )
Hi! Wow- I can't believe all the places you've been so far! This is one trip you'll always remember and you deserve it because you've worked your butt off. Miss you chica. Enjoy!
Jennifer Kersey
Oh one more thing I almost forgot....Miss you tons. It's a good thing I have another Mayse sibling to keep me company. Now I've waited tables with all of them. Ha Ha.
Jenn (who's feeling like that Oscar winner who forgot to thank her husband)
Jennifer Kersey
hey Mack! Teale told me about your website here and I made him gimme the address...lol. No really though, this whole thing you are doing here is awesome. I'm so incredibly jealous that you are in Greece right now. It's one of the top 3 places I'd like to see someday. Honeymoon maybe....I'll explain when you get back. I read every journal entry in one seating and I'm dying for more, but I'll have to wait until I get back from my own vacay (2 week roadtrip to CO, UT, Sin City, San Diego, AZ and NM) to find out what you've been up to. I can't wait to see pics. Take care and be safe.
Jenn (from Paulo's...in case you forgot...lol)
p.s. GIRL POWER!!!!!!
Mykanos sounds wonderful!!! I am so jealous of you with your beaches and ice cream:) Have a great time, bring me back some greek sand! :)
Hi Mackie -
I finally got around to entering your travel website and am so sorry I missed those early pages. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. It reminds me a bit of me when I traveled in foreign spots alone. It's a real learning experience! Stay safe and keep on keeping on!
Love, GranAnne
Come and knock on our door.... do you miss your company? :) I'm sure you are having a fabulous time by yourself!! Just remember- you don't placate! Have fun, see you when you get back!
Man, it sounds like you have Europe DOWN. Next time I go I'll be asking YOU what I should do and where I should go!
I can't wait to hear about Spain, yo. Good job rockin the updates.
hey ghee, i miss you so much. It was really great to hear your voice too today on the phone. I love you so much and i'm proud of you going on this crazy trip. I hope that you have fun but be safe, lolz. Anyways i just wanted to write you a quick message and tell you that im proud of you and hope everything is well, i love you.