Yesterday I actually didn't get any good photos and the blog requires me to post a picture along with the so I cheat and use one from the day before that. Took a day and assembled some household points, went out to buy some groceries and also did some laundry, which was starting to get kinda essential... But the reason I go and buy groceries is because it's always interesting to see what people ACTUALLY eat in other countries, not just what is served in the resturants. Although, aussie food wasn't that far off from swedish though... A bit harder to find anything that wasn't sweetened and they don't seem to eat anything except jam on their sandwiches.
After that, I went kayaking for like 3 hours and came home with cramping hands and exhausted arms, but damn it felt nice.
Got some annoying form of cold, my throat and head hurts, atleast in the morning. Closer to the evening it usually clears itself up. Although today I woke up like 3 PM, so not quite sure whats what.
Going out to have dinner with Craig and Lisa (his wife) plus their friends Ken and Sharon who were travelling with them to the Icehotel. Apart from that, i really haven't done anything today, had breakfast and watched some firefly. With any luck, I'll get out to Philip Island and the mini penguins tomorrow.
Microwave, schmicrowave
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