Globe trekker
After a long harrowing journey on the bus with the hangover from hell (its a really bad idea to drink the night before if Im going to travel on the bus the next day-blurgh. but we had an awsome night so it was worth it) we arrived at Chichicastenango, a market town, which I called dirty hobbit ville as despite being a great market place with wonderous little stalls, there were so many peolpe everywhere, like ants and everyone was so small, I know im tall but I was a giant compared to these people, and they all push and are in such a rush. So with the mother of all hangovers I was not in the mood to shop so spent most of the day avoiding the crowds and spent the day nursing my hangover in a quaint little cafe stuffung my face with food as I had thrown up my breakfast-not good!
After another 3 hours on the bus we arrived at Antigua. This is sadly where we are saying goodbye to some of the group as some end their travels in Antigua, others carry on North whilst 6 of us travel South to Costa Rica. Thus the first night in Antigua was our last night as a group and we hit the town for a farewell dinner and a 'few'drinks (in the next tour im not drinking at all-well maybe on special occassions). So after a great meal we sadly said our goodbyes, I was really upset to say godbye to two of the Aussie girls whom I had become really good friends with but will arrange to meet up again in Oz next year, so after a few shed tears we went our seperate ways-boohoo!
The next day it was time to meet the new group. The new group is mainly made up of young girl, all seem really nice, but unfortuanatley ladies no tasties-doh!!! The first day we spent climbing Pacaya volcano, and what a long, hard hike that was, as there were parts which were almost vertical and coming down I thought would be easy but owing to the ash we had to bite the bullet and almost snowboard down. It was not a hike for the faint hearted. It was an eye opener, as apparently it is nothing in comparison with the Inca trail which I do in January. Im so unfit so really struggled with this long, almost vertical hike, but it was a really good day as the weather was perfect and not a cloud in the sky so the view from the summit was awesome as we could see for miles, so well worth the long strenuous hike. Thus I deserved a pint that night.....
On to the second leg of the journey, Honduras here we come......
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