Globe trekker
So here I am in Quito. At the start of the third leg of my journey. And I am soooo looking forward to it!!!
As I have 2 days to spare before my tour of South America starts, I spent it walking around the town to see what Quito has to offer. As the city is large and as with any large city in South America it can be dangerous so ive been limited to what I can see on my own. Luckily, I was not on my own for long as Kim (crazy canadian) who was on my last tour with me arrived the day after me so we explored the city together.
How small is this world, I already know 3 out of the 11 people who are going to be on my next tour. Kim, who was on my last tour in Central America, and an English couple, Brian and Louise (the dirties couple ever, but so much fun) I meet on the East Coast of Canada in two obscure locations, first, in Mont tremblanc and then again in Madawaska, where we camped together in Algonquin for a couple of nights. What are the odds of that!!!
So with the knowledge that I already really like and get on with at least 3 of the new group, I know its going to be a good tour.
The tour officially started Christmas Eve, a strange day to start but it worked out great as everyone was in good spirts. But the way the new group are so cool. A collection of different characters but all up for a good laugh as all of them are alcoholics who put even me to shame. So after a mad and crazy first night if great food, loads of alcohol, prezzies and dancing the night away, we really set this tour off on a good footing and im looking forward to the next 2 months. So if the start of the tour is anything to go by the tour is going to be 2 months of fun, laughter and mass amounts of alcohol......FAB!!!
Now on to Banos to where we are spending Christmas day!!!!
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