Globe trekker
So arrived at Cuenca after spending a day at Banos where we went horse riding for 6 hours for only $25 (which is about 14 pounds-bargain) but not a good idea if you are sunburnt-ouch!!! So arrived at Cuenca relatively early so had a walk around the city, strolling the colonial street, looking at the interesting architecture and taking pictures when some young local lad ran pass and grabbed a camera out of one of Pauls hands. So after the initial shock had gone and he realised that his camera had been stolen he chased after the local, throwing off his flip flops and legged it after him. Luckily he was fast enough to catch up with him and the local threw the camera, luckily landing right in Pauls hands, how lucky was that. It just goes to show that when travelling it is very easy to become complacent and drop your guard, so it was a reminder to us all to alway keep your guard up and be careful as opportunist crimes can happen at anytime. So it was an eye opener for us all.
So after a funny morning a few of us ordered in pizza and relaxed in front of the box, chilly out and preparing ourself for a mad, crazy NEW YEARS EVE!!!!
So NEW YEARS EVE finally came around and the first thing we did was go to the local liquor shop and buy mass amounts of alcohol in for the night ahead, and you should have seen the amount we bought, would have cost over 50 pounds at home but out here the alcohol is so cheap as it only came to 15 pounds-bargain!!! So we started early to make sure we saw the NEW YEARS in with a bang, well a banging headache the next day anyway!!
We had a fab day, drinking and getting to know each other, then hit the town for a great meal and amazing night of more alcohol and lots of really bad dancing.
Oh yer, FELIZ ANO NUEVO!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Hope everyone had a fab time and look forward to hearing all the juicy goss. Hope you all had a kiss at the dong of midnight and you were all too drunk to remember much....remember all juicy goss please.....
Next stop in Punta Sal on the coast of Peru, to relax and recover from our hangovers in the best way, relaxing on the beach......heaven!!!!
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