Today was definately an interesting day in Italy for us all. We started out the day by going to the Uffizie Art Museum. It was really interesting to see the different types of art from some of the most famous artists of that medivial time period. After the museum we then headed off to a interior design factory that was absolutely beautiful. It was interesting to see how they take "random" antiques and turn them into something outstanding and original. After we did those few things as an entire group, we were free to be on our own until it was time to head to the next place... so a couple of us decided to go to the Leather Market. It was crazy as to how much leather was around us in this tiny little street. We all spent way to much money at the leather market, but its all worth the experience to say that you bought a purse in Italy off the street that is actually real leather. After we left the leather market, we then headed back to the hotel to meet up with the rest of the group to head to the train station to head towards Pisa and then on to Cinque Terre. The train to Pisa was fine, but once we got to Pisa and transfered trains my entire night crashed to the ground. We hopped on the train to Cinque Terre and within seconds we were cornered by 2 gypsies and my wallet was gone within 2 seconds... I was in shock but was determined to get it back so Cinzia and I set off down the train looking for the 2 girls that stole my wallet.. well the conductor said he saw them get off and had the train police chase them through the train station.. so I was in tears. She told me to call my parents right away and tell them what had happened and OMG that was the worst phone call ever. Well that put me in Cinque Terre for the entire weekend with no money. :( But that didnt matter because I had my auburn family of 19 girls that immediately told me things would be okay and that they would borrow me all the moeny I wanted for the weekend. It was very generous but for those that know me, know that I hate depending on people for things... that was the worst feeling: having to depend on others for money. Well needless to say, I really appreciated my Auburn Family being with me in Italy.. we arrived at the hostel for the first night and then went out for the best food.
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