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Auroville, India

New blog entry posted
Auroville, India

New blog entry posted
Thiruvannamalai, India

New blog entry posted
Auroville, India

New blog entry posted
Auroville, India
Betsy Thayer For more information about student sponsorship, visit LPGM's website at: http://lutheranpartners.org/projects/india/student-sponsorship
re: Sponsorship, Connection, and ProgressKit Thayer We're loving being able to "see & hear" what you're seeing and hearing ..... keep it up you two and enjoy each moment! We'll be happy when your back to the good old USA though - hugs from Dad & Kit
re: Taj Mahal and Red FortPastor Dave McCarty Thanks for sharing and serving Ty. Psalm 46:10 comes to mind as I read about your "mind racing". Our prayers for you and Betsy and your team continue. God is with you - promise!
re: Chennai, IndiaSandra A Thanks so much for your posting - Helps us be with you in prayer and in thoughts.
re: Chennai, IndiaTim Jenneke Glad to see it looks like you had clear weather and were able to get a clear view of the Taj Mahal!!!
re: Taj Mahal and Red FortMargaret Beenken A very good picture of life there (seemingly at a glance). It's hard to believe the change from home ,especially the traffic. Our thanks!
re: Starting As A TouristMargaret Beenken Your prep and all will lighten a few of those possibilities Mary, but you covered it quite well. You're right...grab the bags and embrace the trip. We look forward to hearing what you see & hear and our prayers go with you. Grandma Margaret
re: Smooth Sailing and Expecting TurbulenceMark Beenken Blessings for a wonderful, enriching trip Mary! Looking forward to your blogs!
re: Smooth Sailing and Expecting TurbulencePastor Dave McCarty - Lord of Lutheran Church Prayers and blessings for Betsy and Ty Thayer and the entire team. May your travels be safe and "smooth sailing", and upon your arrival you get the rest you need so that this mission can be all that God has planned for you.
re: Smooth Sailing and Expecting TurbulenceStacy Hakanson I am so happy you will be posting here. Can't wait to read about your experience. Praying for a safe and exciting journey.
re: The Priviledge of PackingMark I'm really looking forward to our adventure. Thanks for documenting it.
re: The Priviledge of Packing- last visited

- travel plan
- Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Newark, New Jersey
- New Delhi, India
- Agra, India
- Chennai, India
- Villupuram, India
- Thiruvannamalai, India
- Auroville, India
- Newark, New Jersey
- Minneapolis, Minnesota
Betsy Thayer For more information about student sponsorship, visit LPGM's website at: http://lutheranpartners.org/projects/india/student-sponsorship