Oooooh first blog entry...!
So today the girls and I had a big RtW planning session (Round the World, for those not in the know). Walex is a PA by day so is unbelievably organised, the complete opposite of me and she had put together a 'to-do' list of things to achieve this afternoon... One of which was to set up our blog pages - taadaa!
It made me get pretttyyy excited and so i thought why does the blog have to start whilst I am away?! Why not get into the habit of documenting everything in more than just a 180 charactor tweet every now and then! So here goes...
Today I managed to tick the following things off Walexs' list:
1) Unlock my iPhone sim card...this bad boy set me back £15 but three free Lebara sim cards cheered me up again!
2) Book our travel insurance. I was tasked with this one, joy of joy but managed to find us a pretty good deal... £200 for all types of cover and even three bungee jumps, although I'll be giving these to KV! Thanks insure and go!
3) Buy our Australian 'bang bus' passes... Another big expense but saves wasting valuable Ozzy dollars reserved for Goon when we get there! Massively long greyhound journeys here we come!
4) As we had our RtW meeting in the office, it only felt right to draw a spreadsheet or two so we put together the details of all the visa's we will need and how/when to apply... Booyeahh!
Only four months to go now before the big trip!!
Happy travels,
Lula x
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