Got up at 6:15 to get the 6:30 greyhound. Got to the bus just in time, apparently the driver was panicing that if we left too late the bridge half an hour down the road would be flooded so he was getting a bit stressed out. Attempted to sleep again with no luck and had a break at half 9, Pat and I got a Chicken sandwich, Burns got a pie which caused me to get a pie as well, and he then followed suit with a second. Finally arrived at Rainbow Beach at 12:30 and checked in to Pippies Backpackers. Wandered around town a bit and saw a mag with an article all about the camper van we've just put a deposit on for NZ, it looks really nice. Had a Boost bar and then went to a bakery and ate another Pie, the woman there told us that if we waited a few minutes the pastries would all be reduced, so we waited and all ended up getting some massive deserts. Coops got some foot long cake, which she clearly wasn't going to eat anyway.
Rich, Coops and I went and played basket ball for a few hours on the B-Ball court over the road. We played horse for a bit, and each missed every single shot so all lost at the same time. Then we attempted getting a basket from the centre circle, again with no luck. Coops went for a wander down to the beach and Rich and I kept on plugging away on the court, getting a few baskets here and there. Went back to the hostel when Coops rushed out to tell me that someone had put Blood Diamond on the TV, so we went and watched that while the others struggled to cook Spag Bol in the Kitchen. As the film was nearing an end they served up the dinner, it was well nice, I didn't even lift a finger. We went to Helen and Pats room to watch Hot Shots after that, the lads and I couldn't stop laughing, Roy? Roy!! Coops only lasted about 10 minutes before going back to the dorm and Helen only questioned what was going on when Charlie Sheen started cooking bacon on someones belly. Went back to the room and got in to bed, as we were trying to sleep I could hear Burns do the loudest fart ever in a room that was filled with Him, Coops, Me and 5 other girls, none of them made a comment.
Woke up really early because of the rain pummelling down on the tin roofing outside. It was 5 am, I struggled to get back to sleep but had to get up at half 6 anyway to get on the shuttle bus to the ferry for a spot of Dolphin watching. Felt like absolute s*** in the morning, on the ferry on the way over I sneezed and had to blow my nose somewhere, and in front of a ferry filled with about 20 people had to blow it in to my hat. I was expecting to see around 20 dolphins, but on the ferry over there was instructed that there were only 3 that visited the area regularly. When we got there, there was only 1 present. He looked awful, he had been mauled by a shark which had taken hafl his dorsal fin off and had been bullied by other male Dolphins which had left scars all over his back. On the whole he looked a little bit grim. I was given a fish which I was able to feed it by hand and then we took the ferry back home.
Burns was already up and playing basketball with some 12 year old boy outside by the time I got back so I joined in for a bit, before going to eat some cereal that he had hidden in my bed from the free breakfast earlier. There wasn't any milk left though so I ended up having to eat it with water. When we were all ready we went for a wander around the local shops because it wasn't raining. On the way back we decided to walk to the top of the Sand Blow, took us about 30 minutes to get to the top, but it was totally worth it. Burns and I spent a good hour wandering around every part of the sand blow checking out the views from every angle and just going mental with the cameras. It was seriously nackering walking up and down the sand cliffs and we were both sweating buckets by the end. When it started to drissle we thought we'd better head back as we had no idea where the others had gone. On the way back the drissle soon became heavy rain so we attempted running down the hill, not the best idea in thongs, nearly sliced my big toe off.
Got back to the hostel just before 2pm, so went straight to the bakery to get some discounted cakes again. Then we started doing some puzzles from a book that the girls had bought before getting War of the Worlds from the hostel. I passed out while watching it and then we cooked a sausage stir fry. Went back to Helen and Pats room and spent ages playing scrabble and attempting to do weird puzzles from their books. The lads and I managed to do one of those ones where all the tiles are numbered and represent a letter and you're only given 2 letters to begin with. We only got the J and F the wrong way round.
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