Ok so i made a very spur of the moment decision and im now sitting in an internet cafe in boca del toro Pananma having just crossed the boader.
After getting back to san jose me and Ryan left the following day for Monteverde Cloud forest. On the bus up we bumped into terresa from the language school who was also the first person i met in costa rica. We booked into sleepers hostel which was very small n not very well knowen but it was cheap and it had free breakfast and internet. We spent the first day at the butterfly garden and the frog pond, our hostel owner kindly gave us a lift there as it was pouring down with rain. We got to hold tarantulas and saw lots of cool bugs n spiders n stuff there. The frog pond was also cool as id not seen any frogs in costa rica yet. We webt out fir a very expensive meal that night not deliberatly its just everywhere in monteverde is expensive! After we went to the tree house which is a smalll cafe with a tree growing out of it! We got back from town and our hostel owner told us that 2 of our friends had rung to tell us they were not going to tortegero on thursday they were going straight to Panama. We had no idea how Hannah and alice had tracked us down but some how they had (It turned out the owner of therir hostel in Arenal had persuaded them not to go to tortgero and had phoned every hostel in Monteverde to find us and tell us to come with them)
The next day we decided thar we could do everything we wanted to do in monteverde in just days so we would get the last bus back to san jose that day at 2.30. We spent the morning at Santa Elena Biological reserve, which is basicaly a big cloud forest. We walked around for a couple of hours then went and did a hanging bridges tour over the top of the canopy. I then went back to the frog pond to try and see some of the poisones ones that are more active during the day, while ryan went to do some souviner shopping. We then got on the bus back to San Jose, and made it back just in time to meet up with Daniel and Jenny from the school.
We were up early again the next morning to catch the first bus down to Cahuita and hopefully to meet up with Hannah and Alice. After a good 5 hour journey we got straight onto facebook, our only form of contact, to find that yes the girls were due to arrive at which was such a relife as they'd been changing plans left right and centre. We had hours to kill till they got there so we headed straight to the beach. And what a beach it was easily one of the most beautiful id been on and there was a whole fammily of monkeys right at the entrance. We spent a couple of hours on the beach and then went up to meet the girls at the station. After meeting them we looked around for a hostel, they had been recomended a place called backpackers dream, as the cheapest place in town. The owner was an old carribian man who refered to me as Mr. Leek president of the group, and came out with such classic quotes as 'she looks as if shes about to be run over by a bus' when looking at Alices passport photo. After checking in, which took over an hour, we went back to the beach and had some fun with coconuts. We went out for a meal that night and tried to go out in Cauita but a lack of night life and us all being shattered we had a bit of an early night.
En la mañana Ryan went snorkeling, me and Alice went on a walk through the national park and Hannah sunbathed. Then we hit the road for Panama. It took about 2 hours to get to the border and then we had to cross a rickety old railway bridge that had massive lorries crossing it and big holes that you could fall through, getting our passport stamped on either side. We were led over by two panamanians who asked for a few colones for the trouble of putting us in an over priced taxi to the boat to Bocas. From there we went on the best boat ride i've been on in my life through the mangrove swamps, passed local houses on the water and to the ocean where the islands of boca del toro are. It was deffinatly worth the 7 dollars considering there where tours that would have done the same thing in costa rica for much more. We'd been told to stay at Aqua lounge by Emma and it was definatly a good choice, right on the water with a diving board into a swimming pool that was basiclay decking around the sea, and it came with free breakfast there was a bar and even swings all for 10 dollars a night. We got dinner there and then watched a bit of Twister before heading out to one of the famed ladies nights, where girls drink for free all night. On the way for some reason we stopped at an internet cafe and thats where i am now.
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