Hello again one and all,
This morning we got up and had a lovely breakfast in the sunshine again, then started the hell as usual back on african time.
We needed to change rooms, so asked if this was possible as I had spent two nights now on a lilo, the man at the desk said he would call up in 10 mins to advise of room number change, 40 mins later we just popped down stairs to see about the bus being ordered for us.
We were told that the bus could be reserved but that we would need to go and pick our tickets us for this from the bus station and that 'Bright' would take us when we were ready. We were then told that our room was ready and that it was the one across the hall from us which made moving quite easy.
After this we headed down to the car hire to book our car for 8 days exploring the copperbelt - however unless we were driving from Lusaka we wouldn't be able to hire a car from them - not a problem as we thought we might be able to get it as part of the deal when we booked our flights.
We met with Bright down in the reception and all bundeled into the taxi and headed for the some what chaotic bus station - when i say some what i mean MENTAL. Everyone is Lusaka must have been there and if they wern't selling you something they were asking you if you needed a taxi and if not that it was if you needed any help, besides this the place was covered in bag, boxs, bottles and bodies!
Finally we managed to get our tickets booked and paid for and were told to be at the station for 8:30am to get on the bus, i will add we have gone for the 14pound luxury with a/c bus.
After circumnavigating the bus station we found our driver and headed back with relief to the hotel, thanked Bright and headed back out to find the PORFLIGHT office where we had been adviced took credit card (miracle) it was i have to say pretty hot today so the '4 minute walk' was not all the pleasant - it probably would have been had it taken '4 minutes!' Anyway we got to the hotel it was part of to be greated by 5 weddings, people, frocks and children everywhere but it was a stunning sight and everyone in the best vibrant dresses looked amazing - after standing there gawping like we'd never seen a wedding before of like its was our first time at the zoo we headed to the office, mum first of all walked us into the wrong office and we stood there like a pair of lemons until we left deciding we'd had enough of car hire for one day and found the right enterence - sadly the office had been shut since 11:30 and as it was now 2pm it seemed pointless staying out in the beating sun much longer, so we got a cab and headed for the mall again.
Once we were fed and watered we headed back to the hotel and re packed before watching 'who wants to be a millionaire' - oh the high life and we're just heading to dinner.
So, so far the closest we have been to a cultural experience was the bus station - and as of yet we have completed very little on our to do list - however, we are heading to Livingstone tomorrow for our Zambezi cruise, our beautiful thatched room on stilts over looking the Zabezi and our Victoria Falls experience.
After this we are heading up to Ndola and getting the Baki before heading to the chimp sanctury.
Wish us luck - hopefully the bus will provide a blog entery of its own x
Over and out for now
Lucy and Val x
- comments
Clare Durnin Looking forward to hearing about the bus journey!!! Oh how I love reading your blogs xx