Lucys been let loose
Hello everyone, sorry its been soooo long since my last update. Had some amazing time am currently sat in a cafe in Kuala Lumpur!!!! Left Cambodia on Monday...had an interesting time there but will tell you aboiut that in a minute.
Thailand is lovely and anyone who says Bangkok isn't a nice place obviously didn't go to the places that wer did...we loved it!!!!
Right well we went on a day excursion around the city and went to two palaces they were very beautiful one was where the largest leaning buddah in the world is, you can imagine the excitement, it was HUGE!!!!!! Then we went on a boat ride...those of you who are james Bond know when he's in Thailand and goes on one of those like long boat things....well thats what we went on, it was ace! Though getting on was insane. Basically you jump from one boat to the next (you think im kidding?!?!?!) After are bond style afternoon we decided that was enough adventure for one day so they lady took us to a taylors. Its was really Cheap and Clare had a beautiful skirt made for her Birthday. So the next day we went for her last fittig and decided to head out that evening to a posh bar called Vertigo! Its was 62 storys high with no side just a bar on a roof up in the air...quite scary but beautiful and we felt like princesses being waited on all the time. The next day we hit the shops (i havent been shopping for 8 months!!!!)
Then we headed toi the cinema and watched Match Point (CRAP) But we paid a little extra and got a sofa to our selves very nice!!! Though while we were waiting for it to start all this thai came on then all at once everyone in there stood up so we followed we were standing for like 5mins as respect for theire king! Strange i was laughing my head off it was funny, though now it doesnt really sound it!?!
Anway the next day we had to catch to 4am bus...first class!!! So as you can imagine myself and clare were a joy to be around at 3am in the stupid heat with stupid stupid rutsacs!!!!
Anyway eventually we got on our first class bus (are you kidding me!!! i wouldn't give that thing a class!!!) And headed on the 3hr bus journy to the boarder!
OMG the boarder crossing was insane!!! We were the only white people queing for 40mins in the baking heat...the sweat was pouring off of us! (i know pretty!!) We finally got through and got shouted at for not filling in the forms i wouldnt mind but no one told us! Then we saw a sign 'Any one found bringing illegal substances into the country will be exercuted!' Panic mode have we had anything planted on us are we looking at our bags all the time!!?!?!? STRESS! when we finally got through to the Cambodia side, we went to pay for our Visas but Clare hadnt got enough money and neither had i, well not to pay for both of us and for a taxi sooooo Clare went in search of a ATM but there are non in Poipet there there all on the Thai side!!!! We got a 'TOOTE' to help us this is just guys who carry your bags and help you out to earn some money. They took Clare back through and finally we were almost on our way. Then we got in to our Car and off we set! The 3hr long journey to Siem Reap. The road there is a dirt track and haaaas lots of pots holes and i mean LOTS!!!!!!! Infact there are so many that the drivers swerve to avoid them....even into oncoming traffic on the other side of the got all that way and thought this i where it all ends! Clare and i had taken sleeping tablets the night before as we wanted to go to bed early. They worked very well on Clare she slept from 9 till when we got up, mine however didnt and i ended up dead to the world for half our in the taxi of death, Clare has no idea how i managed to sleep she had to hold my head down so i didnt keep jumping around in the car! What fun but finally arrived in Siem Reap. Goodbye thailand for now! Hope that you are all well! Love Lucy xxxx
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