Hi Lu and everyone!!! Ive just read your blog and everywhere looks amazing, New Zealand maybe is the best so far, its such a diverse and varied landscape, and soo pretty, Pat on the back for Caroline and the bungie jump, wow whats happened to the law abiding, worried, always on medication girl !!!! Lost all of her inabitions with the weight and well done for that aswell, i hardly recognise her. Yes we saw the DVD of the freefall, wow you were all really brave, as i watched it my stomach was in my mouth! Well carry on having fun, enjoy yourselves and takecare!!! Love to you all and miss you all!! Speak soon, Love mum, dad & Gina XXXXXXXXXXXX
very nice, glad you're having a nice time....
Hi Girlies!
Photos are still fab but I've logged on today hoping to see the New Zealand one's. I think you just don't want us to know what a great place it is! You are obviously all having a great time in Middle Earth. It will be the start of Spring at the weekend. The Daffodils are already sprouting along the roadside and the weather is warming up - not enough to wear your bathers all day! Have a great time. Will keep in touch. Enjoy. We're not jealous - much!
Hi all, As you know i was asleep and they woke me up to tell me about your blog!! The pictures and adventures sound amazing so I will come and join you, sure you wont mind!!! The xmas dinner looked good and glad you all had a great new year, pleased you all liked the pressies. Everyone says Hi and asks where you are so I think Grandad should have lessons on surfing now!! You all look really well so still eating well which is good. Keep up the blog and i will speak soon, love to you all and miss you, mum Ros xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Gina N Dad
We saw your pictures on a sunday. we are all at home, mum is asleep in front on the T.V. dad and i having a laugh at your pics. they look very nice and keep enjoying yourself. we missing you all. love you from all of nahabs .
P.S Hey dont forgot to come back!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum Curtis
Hi lucy leanne lianne and emily fantastic being able to see you all on screen on christmas day, it made grandads day seeing you lucy. great photo's been catching up on them over christmas even got jack sitting at the screen flicking through. hope you had a great time at the hotel and saw the new year in in style, every one says a big hello stay safe and speak soon lots of love mum dad and joe. HAPPY NEW YEAR XXXX
Hope you're having a fabulous day. Are you're letting Kelvin come home or are you keeping him there? Lots of love on your extra special day. Have just read the last blog - sounds interesting - and frightening! Brave cookies you all are! Look forward to the next blog. Love and best wishes to you all for the most exciting Christmas ever! Enjoy!
Aunty Teresa and Uncle Adrian xxxx
Gilly & Carl
LUCY - Happy Birthday!!!! Have a great day.
By the way, we love reading about your travels - pictures are great - keep 'em coming.
Have a great Christmas and we'll see you in the New Year.
All our Love and best wishes to Leanne & Lianne,
Gilly & Carl.
Leanne ,Lucy,Lianne keep enjoyiong your travel, looks like your really enjoying yourself, looking foward to see you december leanne.
P.S Keep updating your blog and photo's , there amazing pictures!. :)
Love Gina,
Hi Guys. Well done for having such an amazing time. I can't believe it has been over two months already. Keep having fun.
Love Jason, Katherine and the Girls
Teresa Peett
Hi Girlies! Yet another fascinating insight into a country infamous for bad deeds which hinders outsiders from visiting and masks its true beauty. Cambodia looks amazing! You'll be pleased to know that we've already had snow! The clocks have gone back so it's dark around 4.15pm and the weather is getting gloomier. Bet you're all missing it aren't you - not!! Look forward to your next set of piccies from Thailand. Lots of love to you all especially our Lucy. Missing your cheery smile and giggles! Aunty Teresa xxx
Roy said the caves have aged you but your better looking than when you left, he thinks you should have brushed your hair! (The Arangatang on the front). Sounds like you are having a great time. Lots of love to all of you Auntie Celia XXX