Hey you guys thanks for our recent messages !!!
enjoy paaarrrrtttteeeyyyy time tonight guys at work !!!!
having a wicked time the weather here in tokyo is much nicer today just trou and a jumper and weather is sunny just arrived at oak hotel and its luxury here bigger room and 3 computers rather than 1
going to palace today we are just doing some washing so that we dont get too smelly although I have not had to do the inside out thing yet I am trying to avoid it like the pleague washing them on the sink too.
unfortunately no toilet troubles since the other day tom so none to report all clean and fresh as daisys here good for me but not as fun for you tommmmaaaasssss!!!
Off now as the washing done and we are going out to play in the palace gardens and maybe mixing up the mash with a few local security guards please dont mix it up too much and do any sumo tackles !
no sumo here they all gone home so we just had to see a few posters yesterday at least we have k1 too look forward to o Sat apparently 15000 people go to the grand finals so the train home should be good
all part of this amazing time we are both encountering
Love to you all and 3 weeks has flown
dont mix it up too much I will do that for you here !!
Love ya Luce n stee xxxx
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