Lucy, Dave...ive got some terrible news for you...
...I ve gashed my finger quite badly, opeing in a can of lollys food early one morning last week...
...I know what your thinking, is it the (now patented) rhodri meredith finger pointing over the shoulder photo pose finger...
...its bad news... is!
So, my finger pointing photo pose days may be over...
...I know, I know, this is tough to hear, but stay strong! I make it your responsibility to take over the mantle, and continue the point over the shoulder photo must never die out or be forgotten, remember with great power comes great responsibility!
So get some bloody photos loaded up with some finger pointing action!
Are you going to put up some more photos soon? *nudge*
Hiya guys. Everything looks fantastic. I am very jealous wishing I was with you! Hope your both keeping out of trouble. Miss you loads A x x
Ken Ball
Snorkelling, crystal clear water and plenty of fish swimming around - now that's something I really fancy! On the other hand, if Dave felt a bit queasy on the ferry, it's a good job I wasn't there.
Grandad & Jean
Dear Lucy, Your Mum and Dad came for her birthday, and told us all about your adventures. It sounds amazing and we will be reading your blog. we look forward to hearing all about it when you get home. Love Grandad and Jean
Hi! I'm back from Carlisle now. Can you smuggle back a monkey for me and Mark as well please Lucy? Leave the spiders though, a certain someone wouldn't like it, hehe.
Kate's kindly just shown me your blog and the photographs. We've decided you've lost weight but look happy and healthy. Many thanks for your postcard. Looking forward to seeing your photos of Thailand, a place I've always wanted to visit! Lots of love to you both, Nana
Ken Ball
Many years ago, I seem to remember somebody coming back from a show in the church hall, asking to keep a tarantula as a pet! We only had to catch one fly a day to feed it. Mum said "No".
Ian B
I wasn't oblivious to them, I wanted to have a closer look in fact - though I wouldn't have had one on my shirt front! I thought they were dead actually, because we didn't see them move.
Nice to hear from you Rod &Hel &co - I'll try to get the fingerpoint perfected for you! I'll see if I can smuggle a monkey through Customs in my back pocket for you, on return to Britain ;)
First off Lolly is Rod and Helen's dog. And secondly Big mutha spiders! I have to say stepping of the bus and seeing three hawkers selling pineapple for "1 dollar!" with tarantulas on there chest was unbelievable. I heard te chinese eat deep fried spiders but this was something special. Hawkers running up and asking me to buy bags of pineapple chunks with these living spiders just dangling off there front shirts. Argh! I stood in the road on a busy highway instead. I have to get my prioties sorted. Lucy was oblivious as usual, I could not understand why she had not dived straight back into the bus. Dave