Wow - you guys are so amazing!! Here we sit recounting our adventures in the very same places that you write about!! Are you going to give surfing a go? Cant wait to hear all about your beach bumming around in the glorious aussie sunshine. Gavin reckons you look hot in your bikini which i have to say does look great. And i am roud to say you bought it in Pompey with me - and i have the same one - remember!! Anyways dudes - keep on living the dream. I am so proud , jealous and happy for you both!! heaps of love xxxxx
Ken Ball
What are you going to do for snowmen and sleighs at Christmas?
Ian B
Pole dancing competition? I didn't know you were a pole dancer.
I bet it's roasting in Oz!
Kate sounds so exotic! I wonder if you'll be able to buy that CD anywhere there?
Hi again Lucy and Dave! It sounds like you're having fun - I can't wait to hear about Kakadu!
Cheers Indea,
Cheers Ian! I took Lucy to a pole-dancing competition when we first met and now I have standards to keep. The spiders scared we because there must have been 1300-1400 total in all the sellers trays.
We are in Oz now and the guide books like telling us how many spiders kill you, only one, but the rest have local side-effects like ulceration AND because they dont kill you theres no treatment.
G'day adventurers!!
Wow, you're travels sound absolutely amazing - what an experience!
I'm so jealous - i'm in rainy london revising for exams...
Give my love to my beautiful Australia
Hugs and kisses,
Indea xxxxxxxxxx
Ian B
Ay up billyio,
You're going to need some new clothes soon skinny!
Phonm Spiderhell Phen
One place on my I want to never to visit list.
I don't know Dave, you travel half way around the world and take your girlfriend to a brothel, classy!
Ian B
They lost after stuffing everyone in the league games including England!
I've never met a unfriendly Aussie but I do like wathcning them loose!
Ken Ball
Glad to hear that you are in Australia safely. Just don't mention rugby league - they lost the World cup final last week.
Ouch! Sorry to hear about your wound unfortunately we forgot to do the finger pointing in asia but we arrived in Oz yesterday and shall point at every thing in sight! lucy and Dave X
Rod, Hel...&...lolly
PS forgot to say be safe and lots of love from the three of us.
(I had to dictate this message to hel as my finger is very painful, sob, sob)