All day in Kampong Cham, a medium size city on the banks of the Mekong River. The boat pulls up to the shore and they lay down boards and mats to allow you to climb up the bank to the bus. Only place there has not been a regular dock. We went to another Buddha temple complex this morning. The picture shows the enormous size of the Buddha statues. There is an interesting comingling of Buddhism and Hinduism here. The picture shows Buddha and his students (gold) and two statues with blue faces that are actually Hindu dieties. We stopped off at an orphanage for about 90 kids. They attend public school in the morning and receive instruction in English and French in the afternoon, along with training in waterpainting and sewing. The products are sold to tourists. The prices are higher than you would pay at a market, but everyone realizes this is a source of income for the orphanage. After high school, the kids who wish can be sponsored to university or technical school. Driving along the road, we saw an example of a very nice house. Nice houses are not uncommon. Tomorrow I will enter a picture of a common rural home for comparison. I spent the afternoon resting. No gastrointestinal issue, but a headache, fever and general exhaustion. The heat and humidity finally caught up with me and dehydration depleted the electrolytes. Drinking lots of water helps but, unless electrolytes are replaced, you will get hit. A person needs to take an oral rehydration solution *packages can be purchased anywhere, dissolved and drank. Phyllis experienced it a few days ago. By morning she was fine and I expect I will have the same experience
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