Just been given your blog by MGN. Love the photos - wow what an experience! Glad you are both having such a fab time. Really hectic here, rather be where you are! Keep the pics coming.
Looks like you're having a larf Lozza, especially with the beard thing. Trying to outdo me?? Some excellent photos. Will keep an eye on your blog from now on. Cheers!
Hey! Just to say miss you, everything looks amazing, am so jealous!Looks like you are having brilliant time.
Cams been on about you being far away and he likes the pictures! Ashtons started on solid food but apart from that same ol same old, nothing fun this end xx
MIss you lots, lots love xxxx
Hey miss... Just seen your having a little trip around the world :o)! i wish you all the luck in your journey! Take care.
Sandeep x
Cheeseburger Lee
Japan sounds and looks mental, good to hear your adventures have got off to an interesting start!
Oh, in case you were getting early homesickness - It's been pissing down with rain for 3 days straight in Nottingham.
Keep us posted, look forward to hearing how you're getting on out there.
Thanks for the noisy poo info - pleasant images!
Loving reading about your escapades, sounds like you are eating and seeing some incredible things... I have also been spending naked time in festival sauna - next step naked comune methinks :) Big Japanese hugs (do they hug?) xx
you guys look like you're enjoying japan - the station whats the thing you are jumping up and down on bbg. em you need to keep an eye on him - hehe