OOOOOH, how envious am I and how I wish I was back in the hot sunshine with you two. Em, I can't understand (well, I can) how you pine for teaching. I'm tearing my hair out at the moment! XXX
Happy New Year guys!!! Did you have a good night? I take it you were nowhere near that night club in Bangkok on NYE?? !
Photos look great; am a little, wee bit envious..
I've got flu....
Ciao for now
C xxx
Hello my lovelies, have just spent the night in chilly London (-2'c when I landed!!!) Missing you both and missing Koh Chang. Have stuck £100 in your ac Em (that includes the mystery 1000B!) Ran out of money in Bangkok, but managed to get a massage, take a tuk-tuk, and haggle down the price on a beer chang t-shirt! XXX
very jealous of your travels! i'm so fat i cant even walk into town anymore! one day i'll be agile again! Luke, Deisal, Macca etc are going out to thailand at the start of Jan and i think that's where you're gonna be so luke said drop him an email on [email protected] if you fancy hooking up. have a great xmas and new year! dont spend boxing day too close to the sea! x
Lucy Selman
I miss you. :-(
Glad you're having fun :-)
Have a very merry Christmas! Lots of love. xx
Heya yous twos
I've been poking round your photos and realised that I don't have any of so much of my journeys - v good idea then. I recognise your pics of Hoi an kinda (wasn't flooded when I went), but not hue - i don't remember anything bout that place so I suppose it's possible I didn't go. I may steal some of the hoi an ones - I'll just have to put mine and barry's head on your shoulders!
take care, and try to remember that marmite is disgusting.
Bjarne Dines
Great post about the bike journey Loz! Be good to each other (sounds like you're doing just that), I say that of course for my own sake so that you won't be snapping at each other every other minute I'm there! I'll do my best with your xmas list this weekend (marmite and plug are at the top of my list). XXX
Hi guys, I love reading your blog posts they liven up crappy work filled days. Enjoy xx
Bjarne Dines
Holy crap! I think I might take up english grammar lessons!
Bjarne Dines
Best blog post yet! Feeling dead jealous and excited at the same time. Can't wait till xmas!!! XXX
Lucy Selman
Em, well impressed by your unfazed munching of the soup-minus-beetle! V funny post, good'ol American jocks eh, annoying the world over. It is grey here and getting cold... But life's still good! xx
Hey guys! Cheers for all the updates-finished off the last of the MOUNT GAY last night, yum. Actually found it quite hard at work today as a result. you're missing SO much back in the UK - petrol is under £1!!! : )