So, over half way through our time in Australia, can't believe how fast it's going!! Today, (Tuesday) our final night in Brisbane so will update since I last wrote when I was leaving Byron Bay!
We arrived in Surfer's Paradise mid afternoon, found our hostel straight away which was a good start, checked in, a bit anxious as we had been so spoilt up to now and this was the first hostel dorm we have had to stay in! Looked okish, there were so many rules though, it was like being back in school, found our room where met a couple of danish girls, seemed nice enough, dropped our stuff and headed to check the city out! First impressions- not good, the grey sky didn't help but couldn't seem to find much! After about 20mins we realised we hadn't found the centre yet-doh!! Eventually found it- heaven hurds of shops and a quite nice coastal city! In need of severe dettox after the abuse my body had recieved the past week was very strong refusing all the offers of nights out, pub crawls, party's etc etc! Still feeling hungover and in need of a good meal we found hard rock cafe- we couldn't resist "diet starts tomorrow yes girls?!" Soo BBQ ribs and early night!!
Day 2
Yey!!! Sun is shining.... after surviving a night in a dorm with a very strange guy from NZ who talked to him self constantly! Cream applied and beach- ready to worship that sun and boy it was HOT! With the red flag flying meant facing the waves pretty tricky so meant no surfing again- I'm doing it no matter what before I leave!! Claire and Steph got bored of sunbathing (those of u who know me well enough will know that will never happen to me) they insisted on going to a massive arcade centre think they had seen- so i gave in and took the kiddies, held their bags like their mother!! As the diet had commenced still being strong refusing to party, (thats the disadvanatge of only having short periods of time in some places it's impossible even for us three to experience the nightlife everywhere!!) headed to supermarket for some supplies for dinner! I felt like I swept back to my student days cooking in a grotty kitchen but we survived- I'll confess couldn't resist one bottle of magners in happy hour though! :-)
Day 3
Awoke with the worst sore throat, my neck felt like I was 20 stone and I was swallowing needles- such a delayed reaction to the partying- RUBBISH!! Jumped on bus to Brisbane slept the whole way!! Checked into Tinbilly's hostel- very nice, like a hotel! Had a 7 all female dorm, met 2 nice Canadian girls! So once again dumped our bags and headed to check out the city- only a 2 mins walk away! After numerous shops later (don't worry dad only window shopping for moi!) and with plans to meet up with the girls we met in Sydney for a night out later I tried to cure my sore throat with some fluids! Attempted to give it a shot put our glad rags on, hit our hostel bar!! Rejected, a few hours later I decided to let my body win and head to bed!!
Day 4
Rain!! AGAIN!!! Just our luck, the one year we travel to the other side of the world they have the worst weather in along time! Still feeling grotty, lay in! The girls went for breakie and booked us some tennis courts and the University of Queensland! Maybe that was what my body needed- exercise! Rain stopped and it was soo hot!! we must have lost pounds in sweat- felt good for it though! Chilled out that night, met a couple of guys who had some dvd's and the hostel had a sweet chill out room with huge telly with SKY, so watched a dvd and some sitcoms before calling it a night!
Day 4
Daytour to Steve and Terri Irwin's Australlia Zoo!! A girl called Laura from our hostel came with us fropm Burton on Trent -small worls hey!! Really good day, although yes it rained all day but we looked very hot in our Poncho's!! :-) We're quite lucky as Terri was there and presented the show we watched (must be soo hard for her)! Was quite sad seeing all the memorabiliar (if thats the right word- could be completely made up)! After we thought the day was over, they played a film of Steve's life showing some of his most famous croc hunts including his 1st croc jump when he was 9 and when his children were born!
So there we are, leave Brisbane in the morning- a 6 hr journey to Hervey Bay for a night then onto our safari tour in Fraser island... one more quiet night so finger's crossed my body will start being nice to me!! All I ask is please please everyone do their best possible SUNDANCE for us as it really isn't looking good!!! CYA :-)
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