Am finally in Thailand and loving it!! The Thai people are so nice and helpful - it's a nice change not to be charged for a 'hello' and being stared at - a la India! We left India on the monday and flew to singapore where we had 6 hours of waiting around, which wasn't too bad because singapore airport is gorgeous and sooo clean i'd eat my food off the floor! Unfortunately while we were waiting chloe read her travel giude section about visas were we realised that we didn't have one and though we're in thailand for less than 30 days we had no way of proving it! So on the flight to singapore we managed to work ourselves up to thinking we may get sent back or thrown in prison - aren't we so dramatic!! Didn't help that chloe had read 'forget you have a daughter' which was about a woman's stay in a horrific thai prison, so we had built it up and was really scared!! Fortunately it was a lot of worry for nothing because they just stamped our passports and waved us through! phew!! now i know i'm not a real blond - but i'm getting quite concerned the effect the current colour is having on me!
The first day in bangkok we hired a tuk tuk for the day who drove us around and showed us a great big standing gold buddha (though we didn't have flowers, a fish head or a boiled egg to offer up so none of our wishes for goodluck would be answered) and took us to various silk and jewellery emporiums. The next day we walked to China Town, which was really bustling because it was valentines day and there were roses everywhere. We walked for miles all around, visiting the flower and huge veg markets and weaving in and out of all the street stalls. And later we met up with Em, who has just arrived to start her tour here in bangkok on sunday. She's staying in the nicest hotel - which puts our place on khao san road to shame! she even has a swimming pool - so jealous!
The following day we spent the morning sunbathing by Em's pool, then in the afternoon decided to do a boat ride along the Chao Phraya River. We went to a place on the recommendation of a passing local, but got a bit lost meandering along the back paths of huts by the river and eventually arrived at the right place, but there weren't any boats. Fortunately we were invited to join a Canadian guy and his sons who had already chartered and paid for a boat which was pretty lucky! So we spent the afternoon speeding down the water lanes of Bangkok, looking at the various huts and houses and temples crammed along the side. Though a pigeon did randomly just drop down dead on the front seat of the boat - not sure if we hit it, but it was so funny, if not a slightly ominous sign!! Afterwards we caught the river bus down to the night market and browsed through all the fake designer goods, though the market was also slap bang in the red light district so while checking out fake chloe (or chlae!) bags we were dodging offers for all kinds of freak sex shows!
Yesterday Chloe and I made our way to Ayutthaya for the day - it's the former capital of Thailand, which was about a 2 hour train ride north. It's like an island because it's surrounded by a river, so we hopped on a water shuttle bus and explored all the old, over-grown temples on foot. We were feeling quite pleased with ourselves because while the current tour operators down Khao San charge 400 baht for a days outing, we managed to travel there and back for what worked out to be less than a pound! Though we did then celebrate on our savings and not feeling too bright this morning!! Though it was a really hot day and i didn't realise until it was too late that i'd burnt all my front and back - so now am sporting a rather hideous sunburn accompanied by really random tan lines!
Anyway we're staying in bangkok until monday then heading east to Ko Chang, where we're going to spend a couple of days on the beach (and i'm going to try to even myself out - i look like a dulex colour chart as my face, neck and body are all very different colours) before heading to Cambodia on thursday! So will update soon on our adventures, hope you're all well!
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