Loving the messages thanks! Going to the Killing Fields today, so that will be quite sombre actually. Then off to beach tomorrow! Yay!
Hope Claire and Simon recovered in time to be merry at xmas.
Glad you liked your presents Ellen.
See you soon
Louise & James xxxx
Ellen, Ziggy And Kip
Hi Louise and Dando
Thank so much for the prezzie and michael loved his cookbook ziggy is have a great but is asleep next to me now The gibbion experience sounded awesome. The snow is all gone now because we some rain and the ground its muddy and horrible. Ziggy is mising you guys loads but has had a great xmas and kip can't wait to see you again Just to tell she dose nt just poo in your house she pooed in the kitchen last night Miss you loads!!
Love Ellen, Ziggy and Kipster xxxxxx
Ellen, Ziggy And Kip
Hi Louise and Dando
Thank so much for the prezzie and michael loved his cookbook ziggy is have a great but is asleep next to me now The gibbion experience sounded awesome. The snow is all gone now because we some rain and the ground its muddy and horrible. Ziggy is mising you guys loads but has had a great xmas and kip can't wait to see you again Just to tell she dose nt just poo in your house she pooed in the kitchen last night Miss you loads!!
Love Ellen, Ziggy and Kipster xxxxxx
Simon, Claire & Lola
Looks like your honeymoon trek is going great guns! The boat trip heading to prebangabangbang sounds awesome. Does James feel like a giant out there? I'm just assuming the local people are all like little ompaloompas.
We've been off this week in prep for xmas. Some witch at work gave me a monster lurgy and so in the traditional husband fashion have passed it on to Claire (Cough, Cough, Cough!!Choke splutter). Snow has just started to melt today, but lola has had an ace time eating her way through the snow. So far a very tee total Christmas holiday and have OD'd on Lemsip Max Strength.
Take Care both...loving the blog ;-)
The gibbon experience sounds fun.
I can see Dand doing his best Tarzan impersonation - any excuse to wear his speedos.
You would n't be surprised to hear its very cold here.
Hi guys
Hope your jungle adventures are going well.
Snow is forecasted at the end of the week in Bristol!
So enjoy!
Margaret Trezza
Hi sounds like you r having a brilliant time ! warm here 2day + 6 cant imagine being so hot ! Take care spk soon love you xxxx
hello weeze and Dand,
I hope you are both having a great time, ziggy is having a great time here and walks to school with me every day but im sure he still misses his master. Also thank you for the card mum let me open early hee hee! Your hotel room in Bangkok looked lovely. i hope you have a great honeymoon!!!
Miss you!
love Ellen xxx
P.S Twelve days til xmas
Carole Dando
Hello you two! Just had my first read of your blog, ain't it clever & so nice to follow your steps and hear what you're up too! Was very sorry to hear you've both been ill, please take good care of each other, watch what you eat, wash your hands etc. etc. etc.
Lots of love
Mum xxx
Heather Caddick
Hi Louise
Just wishing you and Dando a fantastic day tomorrow and a wonderful honeymoon!