Yesterday we were up and at Backpacker World Travel Agency, our OZ Experience pick up point, by 6.45am. We checked in and got on the bus ready to leave just after 7.30am. We had the mis-fortune to be in front of a few 18 year old Dad's girls, who charged their tickets onto their Father's credit cards! Very posh and immature. We stopped off at Innisfail, a small town just outside Cairns, to pick up some provisions and ATM stop. Then we headed to a Crocodile Farm. We waited around for what seemed like ages (about an hour), as we had already visited a croc farm and didn't feel the need to do it again. Back on the bus and it was only an hour to Mission Beach and we were dropped off right outside Scotty's, our hostel for the next two nights. We had a lazy afternoon and evening - wandered the beach, making our mark on the sands and took advantage of the free cheese and wine, which we enjoyed with Danielle, Mallory - Canadian backpackers and their German friend, Lisa. We had a wonder to the local store and once back at the hostel the last couple of weeks had caught up with us and we were early to bed at 9.00-ish.
Today we were up at 8.00am and ready and raring to go for our 10.00am sky-dive pick-up. Yes, thats right SKYDIVE!! Due to weather conditions (overcast with predicted rain) we were 'on hold' for 4 hours, in the sweltering heat, swear they were doing it on purpose, as the skies were clear by 11.00am!
We weren't too nervous in preparation and whilst in the plane and then it happened so quickly that we didn't have much chance to think about it as we were flung from the plane at 14,000 feet above the stunning views of Mission Beach, The Great Barrier Reef and the Rainforest. Our instructors, with us attached to there front, shuffled us (Laura first) to the edge of the doorway. Laura was told to kneel up to the edge of the doorway, while Sarah was told to put her legs out of the plane and we both were ordered to "arch like a banana" in an Auzzie twang and before we knew it we were hurtling to earth at a rate of knotts! It was a weird experience, Sarah felt like she could hardly breath, whilst Laura was screaming her head off during the 60 second free-fall. Sarah wanted to scream and yell "OH MY GOD!", or words to that affect(!), but she couldn't open my mouth! Laura tried to lick her lips, but found her tongue was stuck to the roof of her mouth and managed to wipe the slobber from her chin, where as Sarah could hardly move her arms. Laura felt it was the quickest 60 seconds ever, Sarah thought "this is the longest 60 seconds of my life!' We waved bye-bye to our own cameramen as we whooshed up it the air as the parachute opened. Once the shute had opened Sarah realised she had also slobbered all down her chin and hadn't even realised! - NICE and highly attractive! Haha! Needless to say it was an unforgetable experience and we were in total awe as we glided across the sky, Rob (Sarah's instructor) and Sinno (Laura's) pointed out Islands, parts of the Reef, the Rainforest and even 'Scotty's', our hostel, as we flew towards the beach. We had time for good few "tricks, like a rollercoaster", doing figures of eight and loops (shockingly Sarah was NOT sick during this! - Although that could have been amusing!) before our very smooth landing on Mission Beach, itself. We felt more shakey once we'd landed than before we jumped! Think that was the adrenalin pulsating through us!
We have, needless to say, informed our mums of our mini adventure! Sarah hadn't told her mum we had booked it, as, when she told her she wanted to do it, before we left England, she groaned and rolled her eyes and looked as if she was trying to refrain from being sick and from clinging onto her and yelling "not my baby! don't take my baby!" (if you know Sarah's mum, you know what we mean!) so we thought it best just to let her know once we had completed the death-defying feat, she has trouble sleeping as it is! We both now want to do it again and might well do in New Zealand! We'll see how the budget pans out!! - Sorrry, mums!!
Late afternoon and evening was spent discussing our experience over free cheese and wine with our fellow travelers, before flopping into bed for yet another early night.
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