Yesterday morning we were up early and ready and waiting for our Feejee Experience bus by 8.00am - in true Fiji style it showed up at 8.30am! We made more pick ups around Nadi, then stopped for a 15 minute briefing on Feejee Experience and Fiji. After hearing what was in store for us, we headed into Nadi town where we had just 45 minutes to explore and buy lunch. We quickly went to a few supermarkets, the fruit market and an ATM, before rushing back to the bus for 10.45am. Once everyone was on board we headed, in the pouring rain, towards Natadola Beach. We briefly stepped off the bus to look at the 'Worlds 3rd sexiest beach' but got soaked so retreated back onboard to eat cheesy bongos! The boys from the bus were braver and played footie on the beach. After everyone had dried off a bit and eaten lunch, we headed towards the sand dune for some sandboarding. The dune was quite high and very steep but luckily it had stopped raining. We were both apprehensive at first but then Sarah plucked up the courage and trekked to the top before gliding smoothly and quickly down the bank, her skirt round her waist at the bottom. Next it was Lauras turn, after finally attempting to head down the dune, her legs were pulled back by Bola, our guide, before he pushed her down the dune. Despite screaming all the way down, she reached the bottom safely. Sarahs second go was ok to begin with, but got faster and faster and bumped half way down (where the lads had landed after attempting standing on the board) and at the bottom clicking her neck, but not hurt and no skirt mishaps this time! Laura managed to lose control of the board and hit the sand face first, getting sand in her mouth, up her nose and in her ears - nice! After we had cleaned up, we made our way along the Coral Coast to the lovely Mango Bay Resort. We checked in and had our bags delivered to our door before attempting a game of volleyball. We were so girly and rubbish but had fun and our serves got much better than our returning of the ball! Next it was time for a traditional Fiji Kava Ceremony. Kava (not Cava as we had hoped) is a disgusting drink made from the root of a plant wrapped in muslin and squeezed into water. It tastes like muddy rain water and makes your tongue, lips and throat tingle or go numb. Following this it was 7.00pm and time for dinner - the group all ate together and we enjoyed spinach and mushroom pasta (Sarah) and sweet red pork (Laura). Tea was followed by a Fijian Song and dance show which was great. We even conga'd to the macarena at the end. When we gathered for photos with the dance group we had to plaster an uncomfortable smile on our faces, as the cheeky Fijian lads cupped our bums! After this we chilled in the bar then went to wash the days sand off us!
This morning was another early start and we were enjoying fruit, cereal and toast for breakie at just after 7.00am. The bus (due to leave at 8.00am) departed around 8.30am. We headed straight to a supermarket for lunch and water supplies before parking the coach and climbing aboard a truck (a tight squeeze with Sarah on Laura's knee) and heading down a dirt track towards the start of our trek. The trek took 3 hours, it was pouring it down and we got very muddy and wet as we hiked up and down through the rainforest and along a stream in 'ankle deep' water (sometimes more like mid-thigh deep - Sarah getting a piggy back off Nick at one point!) We finished the trek around 1.30pm and started tubing down the river (in rubber rings). The water was cold and we were freezing but it was fun and relaxing. After tubing we headed to a waterfall and pool - Sarah bravely taking the plunge into the cold water - the we got into long boats for the 50 minute journey back to the coach. Each boat was trying to splash the other - we screamed everytime the water came near us - such wusses! Once back at the coach we dried off and changed clothes then headed towards the capital of Fiji - Suva. After a brief city tour, we checked into the Rainforest Lodge - very impressed with our dorm - with kitchenette and tv! We had tea of roast chicken for Sarah and Tuna for Laura - both trying the local Dalo, a root vegetable. After dinner we enjoyed another dance show (with a cute little boy showing off in it!) then watched 'Jumper' on the big screen before bed.
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