Day Ten
Had a sleep in today and headed to Moab and the Arches National Park.
Chilled for a few hours before we headed to Dead Horse Point to see the sunset. Unfortunately, it was pretty cloudy but there was lightning flashes all over which were pretty cool.  We ate our tea up there before heading back to camp- it started raining so we headed to the pub. As we are in Utah now the alcohol is nicknamed "near beer" as its so low.
By the time we came out of the pub we rang a taxi- however, the taxi driver wasnt working as it was easter sunday- thats right there was only 1 taxi in this place, so we walked back to camp.
Day Eleven
Really enjoyed today as we seemed to pack so much in.
We went on three different walks in Arches National Park (loads of huge rocks that have been shaped into arches), the first was to the window arches where we got to see the North, South and Double Arch, the second was to the delicate arch which was quite a long walk and then the third was to the landscape arch. It was really hot but these views were well worth the walking.
The day was finished off with a sunset hummer tour. All of us were in one vehicle and it was great fun driving over the petrified sand dunes. Our driver was called Levi and a great guy. We were driving up really steep rocks and narrow ones it felt like you could just drop off at any point, going down over certain areas he let his foot off the brakes suddenly and there was lots of screaming going on! Also got to taste a Baby Ruth- the chocolate bar that Chuck eats on the goonies. This is just one of the typical American snacks we have been eating- others- Reeses Pieces, Twinkies, Smores.
Wayne and Ann cooked dinner and we ended the evening with a campfire and card games.
Day Twelve
Today the group split up to do different things I went rafting on the Colorado River with Sandy, Han and Ann. Charlotte, Wayne and Glazer went on the Tom Cars and Carston went cycling.
The rafting wasn't exactly white water it was more floating down the river and a lot of paddling (well me and Sandy seemed to be the only ones putting any effort in!!) It was bloody freezing, me and Sandy were in hysterics all day. Stopped for lunch on the beach which was lovely.
Charlotte and Wayne went on the TOMCARS .
Went to Eddie McStiffs for dinner which was a family pub/restaurant.
We had an early night as we were shattered- I started eating my Reeses Pieces in the tent as i didnt want to share them as they are so nice- Wayne heard me saying this from his tent so this started off lots of giggling and talking.
Day Thirteen
We were woken up this morning by the freezing cold weather and then Hans alarm that went on for 20 mins before I had to get in their tent to turn it off! We packed up and headed to Maccie D's for breakfast.
Drove towards Monument Valley today, unfortunately we got stuck in a dirt track when we were heading towards an extra site that Glaze wanted to show us- he usually took groups over the river on a bridge from the other side but when we got there it had been taken down 2 days before because it was unsafe, which is why we went the dirt road way. It took about an hour to get out after help was offered from a number of people including a big yellow school bus. While a very calm Glazer was busy digging us out we made our lunch at the side of the road.
The site was an American Indian ruin that was a house built into a huge rock with numerous rooms and looked out over the fields and river, it was definately worth the hassle.
When we approached Monument Valley there was a really long road with the valley in the background and we had to guess what film it was from with Glaze giving us clues - it was from Forest Gump and Wayne won the 1st prize of the Jackalope postcard.
We drove around Monument Valley which has been used for loads of films and commercials- the views were spectacular.
Camp was set up and we then dashed to the swimming pool where Charlotte tried to teach Han and Ann the basics of swimming and Glaze hung around the edge for a while as it was too cold!
Walked up the rocks to see the sunset and you could see Monument valley from there.
Day Fourteen
Set off for Lake Powell after stopping at a Navajo Indian coffee and visitor centre where we spent 30 mins trying to complete a jigsaw.
Stopped at Horseshoe Bend lookout- this was a good photo spot with the Colorado river. Alarmingly there was a pair of glasses sat on the rock right next to the edge of the cliff as if someone had just jumped off.
Arrived at Eastons ranch (run by Easton, his wife and little daughter gemma)- it was pissing it down but luckily when we arrived we were allowed to stay in the bunkhouse (which included our own fridge for the large amount of alcohol we had stocked up on) instead of having to set up camp- great stuff.
Han, Ann, Wayne and us two went on a 2 hour horse ride with Easton. I was on a horse called Moonlight and Charlotte was on Diamond. This was my chance to get over my last bad horse riding experience in Oz 7 years ago when i got bitten to death by Mozzies on what I would call an advanced ride! However, 10 minutes into the ride I turned round to Charlotte and said is my saddle falling off and shouted for Eastons help by which time I was already on the floor!! Charlotte in the meantime could not see out of her eyes as she was having an allergic reaction to the horse.
Despite all this I got straight back on the horse and continued our ride in the Wild West cowboy stylee. It was great fun and funny seeing Charlottes horse stopping all the time and staying well back from the other horses. On return to the ranch I was treated by Doc Glazer and now have my hand bandaged up- luckily i could still manage a beer and Charlotte could still see enough to open her can.
The ranch was lovely we sat down with the family for a steak dinner that was brilliant one of the best meals of the trip and Gemma their daughter entertained us by singing happy birthday all the time and serving dessert. Following dinner we retreated to the "party barn" you can have your own beer in here and music and there was free pool as well.
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