We were a bit dubious about going to Surfers Paradise as we'd heard it was all high rise and not very pretty. I think we were pleasantly surprised when we got there, it was a nice change and so different from other places. The weather was fantasitc for the 4 nights we were there as well which was great.
Arrived at the hostel in style in a limousine which was setting you up for a fall right away seen as we stayed in bunkbeds for our stay, not a king size in a 4 star hotel but there you go. The hostel had a nice pool and a little hot tub and we had our own little flat where there were 8 of us and where we met some nice girls from Manchester.
On the first night we had the BBQ that the hostel put on which was really good way of gettin to know people. The next day we sussed the place out and did a little shopping and got all our food supplies in, spent the rest of the afternoon around the pool. That night we went out for dinner and then to a bar called Shooters which was pretty good and was the first big night we'd had in ages.
The next day was obviously a rest and recovery day on the beach, it went on for miles and had a lovely breeze. As if that wasn't a great day, it was topped off by the guys at our hostel organising a free food night at a local bar where we rocked up, ate the free food, drank the free beer and then left!!! Well, we were going home but we had to go via this rather gorgeous little ice-cream place called Cold Rock. It goes like this, you pick your ice cream flavour and then you pick something yummy that goes with it and they mush it all up together... so cheesecake ice cream and chocolate brownie was Lu's choice and it was bloody gorgeous!!
The next day was cool, we got tickets to this theme Park called Dreamworld and again, we just didn't know what we were letting ourselves in for. We only queued for 20 mins fo the first ride so we just though, oh it will be pretty tame. Lets just say that I hurt my throat from screaming and Lu was shaking for half an hour afterwards! it is not called the Giant drop for nothing and it was loads better than the rides back home. After that we went on the Log flume and the rapids where it was actually nice to get wet cause it was so hot!
We went on the Tower of Terror which again was really fast and then the Claw and the Cyclone. This will mean nothing to anyone reading this but lets just say it was awsome. We went for dinner at the Hoggs Breathe Cafe which sounds gross but is a chain in Oz, a bit like TGI Friday's and that was a really nice end to a great day.
The next da we left Surfers Paradise to head for Brisbane.
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