After 14 hours on the greyhound bus we finally arrived at our stop off literally in the middle of nowhere at 9am - a place called Kununurra.
We had planned to do nothing and just chill by the pool all day to prepare for the rest of the trip but five minutes after getting there we met a lad called Ryan who was fed up of being by himself and generally fed up with his trip so far so we spent the day with him. Spent most of day walking and rushing back to dip in the pool in between as it was so hot, went to Lily Creek Lagoon and Mirima National Park and later in the day we also went to a lookout point Kellys k*** (which was great until when the local police stopped us to tell us it was a murder scene and it was closed to white people).
Ryan was so depressed we resorted to taking him for tea and the local pub to see the locals karaoke night - not sure it really cheered him up as they were horrific.
Once again at 9am the following morning we boarded the Greyhound bus for Darwin. 9pm we finally arrived in Darwin.
Decided to take it easy for the first day and spent it doing a short walking tour of the city (it took about 50 minutes and we'd seen most of it) as it heated up we retreated to the pool where we stayed for the rest of the day. The hostel here is really nice with three small pools and a bar on the rooftop.
Went out for a few beers and ended up watching a band and chatting to a few locals.
After our night on the town the day after we went to Fannie Bay- to see yet another jail (although it was free) we are really enjoying seeing the prisons which is a bit freaky.
We then decided to be quite cultural and walked to the Museum and Art Gallery - which had abo art, exhibitions on cyclone that destroyed the whole city which was very interesting but eerie. As we had had such a hectic day we decided to treat ourself to tea and cake.
As we were going to Lichfield the next day we decided to have a 'quiet' night, just going for a few! We went to the Vic which i think is the sleaziest pub in town and had a few games of pool, where we were joined by two aussies who knew how to drink- lets just say it was a late one and relatively cheap seen as we bought one drink all night.
'The morning after' - We both woke at 6 to meet the bus trip to Lichfield, unfortunately only one of us made it as far as the bus! Charlotte spent the day in bed whilst I spent the day swimming in waterfalls and plunge pools which was great and there were only 6 on the trip so it was nice. I think the best hangover cure for me was when i licked a green ants bum, it was like lemon and made your tongue tingle. I returned from my trip and Charlotte was still not looking good so we had a quiet night.
Another early start to go to Kakadu National Park- it was a 4wd tour for 2 days and one night in the bush.
The trip started with a visit to a local aboriginal family on the beach- whilst there they told us about some of their traditions and we got to throw spears to catch food - I was crap but Charlotte was pretty good she wouldnt of starved if she was an aborigine. We also made string from tree bark which we then made into a shell necklace. Finally we were taught how to play the 'Didg' which we both managed to get quite a good sound from.
We then set off to our Croc cruise up the adelaide river- the leaders were not optimistic about seeing many crocs at that time of year however, you can see from the pictures that we got to see quite a few, they were a bit too close for comfort.
Once in Kakadu we were taken to Ubirr which is an aboriginal art site- there are loads of pictures on the rocks which are pretty amazing. The park itself was huge it was actually the size of a small european country.
As there was a storm brewing we had to stay in an indoor style camp (which consisted of 10 beds in a portakabin which we shared with loads of spiders and bugs) but still had a campfire to cook on before the heavens opened- the lightening was pretty scary and continued right through the night.
The next morning we were up at 5:30am to get to start our 12km walk through the park, but we got a flat tyre on the way... it was not a problem for our Lara Croft style all Auzzie tour leader woman... there was nothing she could not do!! We trecked for a good hour to the site of some more rock art. The whole park is owned by the Aboriginals and there are huge areas where white people are not allowed and only certain bits of art they will let you see!! so it was pretty earie in the middle of the bush. We were all hot and sweaty by this point so ignored the "Danger Crocodiles" signs and jumped right into one of the little plunge pools.
After we trecked back to the bus and had lunch, one of the guys seemed itching to help change the tyre and did it in lightning time... it turns out he was a German surgeon and was used to putting metal plates in people therefore good with tightening nuts and bolts up (no we are not making this up!!)
We headed to another Aboriginal museum where there were a pack of wild horses that surrounded us when we were tucking into our ice creams. very random! We headed to another bathing site, where there was a waterfall and large pool where we witnessed another underpant related incident (we sound like we are attracting these weirdo's I know but we are trying not to!!) one of the guys had forgotten his swimmers so had to go in with just his pants on... they were white Y fronts, like Mr Bean wears, and it was hysterical. Nearly drowned laughing.
Anyway, enough of Boris (who also had a massive camera that we took the piss out of constantly, until we realised that his photos were excellent even if it took him an hour to get the thing out of its case!)
Arrived back at the camp site to be collected by Lara Croft Mark II, another Auzzie woman who drove us the 400KM home without anything on her feet, and screamed everytime there was lightening (of which there was a lot!). Arrived back in Darwin at 9pm, smelling like tramps and totally whacked but we'd had a great time.
Next day was spent round the pool waiting for our flight to Melbourne, kept compay by Carl from London who did the two trips at the same time. He made us laugh with his plans for a big family and general cricket related banter. That's it from Darwin, we are off to the East Coast.
Charlotte and Lucy x
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