Lost Girl traveling Europe
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Grótta, Greece

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Notio Aigaio, Greece

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Thira, Greece

New blog entry posted
Thira, Greece

New blog entry posted
Thira, Greece
Megan Clayton Oh Jess, i couldn't help but laugh at your sea sickness story. Being sea sick sounds horrible but you write them in a such a good way you cant help but see the humor in it.
re: Birds eyed fish fingers!Marco Great shot! What bay is it? Naxos must be great man, they say it's the cradle of Zeus :))
re: A nice cruisy dayMary Bone Hey Jess. Loved your story so did grandad and nana. Look forward to hearing the rest of young reek island adventures. Grand has been don for a week he had a cataract removed from his right eye last Friday. Lots of love stay safe xxxxxx Love & kisses from nana & grandad too xxx
re: Sing us a song, a song of the seas!!Hannah Hey, nice blog about the city of Athens :) You can also find more information about the city, by clicking on ths link: http://www.mapsofworld.com/greece/athens-city-map.html
re: Day Three in Athenslilyjones nice post. Interesting write up.thanks for sharing. Europa Coaches Prague is specialized in hiring different kinds of transportation vehicle all around Europe. Our fleet of buses, minibuses, limos, etc. is available in many different colours and styles, and all are high quality, climatized and comfortable vehicles. We have also been hiring party and limo buses since 2010 and now we have access to the largest fleet of party buses and limos in Europe. Having the head office in Slovenia (EU), permits us having affordable prices, but yet an excellent service quality.
re: Can FINALLY read a map :DJess Bate It was the worst day of the trip so far Jane! None of the places over here so far know what a good good steak and vegies are Mary Rose. But don't worry I'm keeping my eyes peeled
re: From Berlin to Prague, every disco I get in....Mary Bone Sounds like you are having a ball. Yeah not many veges on the menu. Doesn't take long to realize how lucky we are here as far as good goes. Veges and a good steak I Don't think they know what that is. Go figure. At least you are allowing your self plenty of time to how where you have to be. Hop in hop offs are great. You get to see the most things and get the lay if the land. Lots of Love xxx
re: From Berlin to Prague, every disco I get in....Jessica Bate Glad to know you guys are enjoying them :-D Hope Spooky isn't being too much of a rat bag. I'm definitely missing human conversation. Guess that's the down side of staying in hotels and not hostels
re: Day two in Berlin.Mary Bone Love episode 3 of the lost girl blog. Glad you are having a good time. Yeah there is so much to see and so different from here at home. Hard to fit do much into a couple of days. Stay safe look forward to episode 4. Ray sends a big kiss X. Lots of love xx
re: Day two in Berlin.Rachel Harris Oh you make me smile Jess I really love reading your blogs! You sounds like you are having a blast. Missing you too love ya xoxo
re: Day two in Berlin.Monica Bate Keep the blogs coming. I'm loving reading them, you make me laugh. Love you xoxo PS spooky is going ok. Still hating me and loving dada Love mum
re: Day two in Berlin.europacoaches Europa Coaches Rome is a online transport agency company that provides shuttle services, sightseeing tours, transportation solutions everywhere in Europe with affordable price http://europa-coaches-rome.com/index.php/about-us
re: Berlin Berlin- last visited

- travel plan
- Brisbane, Queensland
- Windsor Park Estate, Singapore
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Frankfurt, Germany
- Berlin, Germany
- Prague, Czech Republic
- Athens, Greece
- Fira, Greece
- Thira, Greece
- Amorgós, Greece
- Angairiá, Greece
- Naxos, Greece
- Notio Aigaio, Greece
- Mikonos, Greece
- Notio Aigaio, Greece
- Thira, Greece
- Folegandros, Greece
- Fira, Greece
- Naples, Italy
- Rome, Italy
- Florence, Italy
- Venice, Italy
- Geneva, Switzerland
- Zurich, Switzerland
- Paris, France
- London, UK
- Frankfurt, Germany
- Windsor Park Estate, Singapore
- Brisbane, Queensland
Marco Great shot! What bay is it? Naxos must be great man, they say it's the cradle of Zeus :))