Only kidding sis. How's it gaun anyhoo? Things good here. Will try and send a wee personal email tonight too as there's a couple of things I wanna run by you.
Well, hope you;re OK and not baking under your yukky scarf thingy in Oran!
Speak soon, love ya loads.
hetty xxxx
Carl Robinson
Hi Loo
It's your brother in law to be!! I thought I might send a wee note to ya, to c how u are gettin on? How's it been so far, is it wat u expected or better? Hez finally received her present from me, I had to send 2 emails to the buyer and in his defence he did admit error on his behalf so he also sent the case for the camera and some memory. I went for one of your choices I think, which was the Canon Ixus 75(800) series as its imported. I did read up on this and it had very good reviews. Once again thank u so much for helping me out as I don't have a clue!!! besides that all is well here, feeling rough though as we went out last night with my best man and his wife, who is now pregnant, so we drank for her i think!! We watched the footie ha ha ha man u!!! Although couldn't say much as the pub was full of drunk upset manc's might not have survived!! Anyhow I just thought i would send a wee message. Hope your well, stay safe and drink plenty!!
Take Care
Hiya Lorny,
Sent you a text re CC this morning but not sure if you can receive it just now.
Let me know if you want me to text details or e mail you.
All fine at this end, hope all good with you too. It was great chatting to you last week and seeing all the others who were around at the same time.
Speak soon. Luv ya loads.
Maw xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Lourna,
Graet piccys ...keep em comming.I might be on another big adventure myself but always good to see what you nutters are up too !!!!!!!!!
Tell you what L, those photies are fab, really fab.
Was sooooooo good to see you!
Canny wait til next time
Hetty xxxxxx
Hiya Lorna
Got your postcard from Vienna today, ta much. Great talking to you at the weekend sounds like all are having a fab time.
Hetty, Carl & I had a good time with Aunti & Uncle on Sunday and they send their love and are keeping up with your adventures.
Stay safe and take care.
Love you loads-Speak again soon.
Mom xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Big Little Sista X
You are my sunshine
My only Sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You only know dear
How much I love ya
Please don't take my sunshine away
(Not 100% sure the word are all right but basically that song is dedicated to you (you are a wee ray of sunshine) and my new Budgie as I called him Sunshine!)
To Lorna and my Budgie!!!!
(mwoah xx)
Hi Lorna
Glad you are having a good time, lovely pictures. Dad will be back tomorrow and I think he enjoyed the trip. Everyone here doing OK and Mark is back at work again. Gran now enjoying having company in the evenings and she seems a lot happier. Keep in touch
luv you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
heya lorna, great to see all is going well. will be watching. stay safe and catch ya when you get here!
Ancient Mummy
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm trying hard to forget that I'm another year older!!!! Age is only a number so i will simply forget what number my age is!!!!!
Was out for dinner with U. Colin & A Ann & her mum, lovely and we're all going out again next sunday when hetty & Carl are here.
Glad to haer you're having a great time and tell Ave it's about time she learnt to put that tent away....what would she do without Little Miss Organised Lorna????
Hope to speak to you soon and see some pics!!!!
Love you lots
Momxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ps better do my sum so that i can send this
Hetty Beetle
Right Miss L, Where is my menshy you told me I would get!
Just had to post another wee message , cannae let yer wee sis leave more messages than me....she's just showin'aff coz she's got a new computer!!!!
Mine won't be good enough for her now when she comes to visit!!!!!
Get a move on and upload some more pics and tell us all your news!!!!!