Mam and Dad- what descriptions were ye laughing at? I can't even remember what I wrote!! Just back from the Whitsundays now. It was gorgeous- the weather, scenery, islands, boats, snorkelling, beaches.... Ye would absolutely love it!! It'll take me a while to catch up on blogs everyone as my phone was dead the whole time I was there and I have three long days to catch up on!! All was good though!! Staying in Airlie beach tonigh and going out with some people from the boat and then I've an overnight bus tomorrow night so ill have the day to chill in the sun!
Presume you are on an island somewhere. Hope its all good.
Margaret Mcd
Sounds like you are having a nice time so far which is great. Dying to see how much all this exploring has changed you. No doubt you will be a changed girl because you have been completely outside your comfort zone since you left us. Hope you haven't changed too much though as we were pretty fond of the old Lorraine.
Had your little sister and her beloved to visit on Sunday evening and they are both in great form.
Claire and myself are meeting Shell and Sarah next Thursday for a meal so I am looking forward to that.
No news yet on who got Tom's job in Kilcoona. It will be Thursday before final news on it. Hope Tom will be happy as it's bound to be easier to walk away if you feel the school is being left in good hands. Fingers crossed it will all work out fo the best.
I will be very busy at work now for the next few weeks with end of year reviews for all learners and recruitment of new ones. In the middle of all that we have to have an annual evaluation over two days so it will be all go.
You know the way they are doing away with VEC's? We are amalgamating with Meath and will be known as LMETB-Louth Meath Education & Training Board. Lots of change for me to embrace at almost 60 !!! I don't like change that much so I will definitely be challenged.
Claire and Dave were in Mullingar at the weekend. Daves parents always ask about you because you are in Sonna. They were showing them an article in the Mullingar Advertiser about the new school in Sonna which is due to be ready for the school year 2014-2015. Hopefully that will materialise!!! I sent the paper to Mam to keep for you as I was afraid it might end up in the re-cycling bin if I left it around here.
Shaun and Shell are going to Portugal for a week on 14th August and they are back to school on August 23rd. Between being superintendent for exams and corrections, Shell won't have that much of a break really. She seems to be very happy which is great and she looks amazing.
Can't think of any more news for now but will be in touch again soon. Take care !!!
Mam & Dad
We really enjoyed your day in the barrier reef and both of us actually laughed out loud at some of your descriptions. It all sounds good anyway and glad you are meeting people to be with in the evening. No sca here. Dad getting on fine so far.
I'd a great day at the Great Barrier Reef an went snorkelling twice and saw loads of fish and a turtle!! I met two Irish girls on the boat and had a few drinks with them tonight which was good enough craic. It's now quarter to one an I've to be up at half six so I will write the blog on my 11 hour journey to airlie beach tomorrow!
I had great work trying to log in to lorglynngoinghome !! I was nearly right. I eventually copped on to look at the last one again. I hope the other hostels will be better than last night. Glad you had the sense to get a taxi
We got on fine at the funeral. There was a very big crowd there. He was well known. Very involved in the Barrs (St. Finbarrs) Ger made a nice speech at the end of the Mass. He put his words together very well. After, we went back to St finbarrs clubhouse for the tea and food. We didn,t delay too long and were home about 7ish. Fabulous weather here at the moment. In the 20s so breakfast dinner and tea are all outside. its lovely. So hope all goes well for you on your travels. Take care.
Welcome to my new blog! Margaret is ahead of me with the first message!! Ur on the ball!!
Margaret Mcd
Hi Lorraine,
Just checked the new blog details to make sure I can access it. Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures. Take care!!