Day 22: 30/6/1
I'm a year travelling today- I flew from Shannon to London on the 30th of June last year! In some ways it feels like a year and then in other ways it has flown!
I had a very relaxing day today.
I was up early so I tried to save all my photos again and upload some to Facebook and the blog. That took a while, but I was trying to do it before my laptop would die because I don't have an adaptor for an Australian plug. (Luckily when Ann-Marie came she had an adaptor that would work for me!)
I was following Ann-Marie's flight while I was on the computer, and she landed on time and got to the hotel shortly before 12.
We were chatting for a little while about everything- flights, travelling, school, gossip from Sonna, etc.
Annmarie had been up for about 36 hours at that stage so she went for a nap. I would have been wrecked if I had those flights! I read a bit and then tried to catch up on the blog a bit!
We went to Khao San road then for a bit of a wander and got some food of a stall. We got spring rolls which were lovely and then mango sticky rice which was gorgeous! Sticky rice is like a dessert, it's sweet and they put some coconut milk through it aswell and some mangos on top. It's something I'll have to look up a recipe for! I bought some sunglasses aswell because mine broke yesterday! It took me ages to fid a pair that didn't look ridiculous on me as the fashion now is to have really big glasses!
We had to go back to the hostel then to meet our group and have the orientation meeting- there are 16 of us- 9 Australians, 1 New Zealand, 4 English and us 2 Irish. So at least every one is English speaking. I haven't been speaking to everyone yet but it looks like we have a few interesting characters!
The guide seems really nice. She's Cambodian and is probably in her 20's, but she's tiny, way smaller than me! She asked us to give our names and say why we chose to go to Cambodia. She made the place sound awful then- sunburn, insect bites, bumpy roads, theft, corruption, safety..... We were all a bit dubious about the trip afterwards! I think she was just doing that so we would have low expectations and everything would seem really good. I hope so!
We went to a restaurant for dinner then, all 16 of us. We were upstairs in a fancy enough restaurant where we all sat on bean bags and cushions and the tables were really low. I tried Pad Thai because I never had it before- its a noodle dish which was quite nutty but it was nice. Everyone seemed friendly enough anyway- no drama so far! We leave at 6:45 tomorrow so an early start!
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