Bígí cúramach. Nach bhfuil Macchu Pichu go hiontach álainn. Bain taitneamh as an gcuid eile den turas.
Macchu Picchu wont know what hit it when the two happy heads arrive! We will be really looking forward to seeing all the photos. Scenery all sounds class. We were just talking to Shane. He's getting on fine with work , hurling and the social life. He is going to try and catch up with the blogs but he is having internet trouble. Mind yeerselves at the climbing today!
Mary C
Lorraine! Really enjoying the blog and it is keeping us up to date with your travels which sound amazing. Nothing exciting in Ballycasey.
Joe and Mary's retirement party tonight. Galway footballers beaten by Antrim today
and out of the championship which is sad.
Ye sound as if ye are having a ball - keep the
blogs coming: The only thing is it delays me
in the morning but I can't resist reading it the
minute I get up! Hope Muireann's tummy
has settled and that she is enjoying some
of the strange food, at least.
Berney And Geraldine
A 10 hour bus journey sounds tough but I suppose ye were entertained with the sights. I presume Cusco will have the
most tourists on account of machu picchu. Hope ye don,t have much trouble from the altitude. Keep safe and enjoy.
Hello Lorraine, youl be glad to hear that im sick from eatin all geraldines bday cake, No fish and rice over here. i must say your wild adventure in peru is very similar to my life in Pollinore, non stop adventures... I think a mouse will be the least of your worries when ya get to the jungle...
Emma Xox
Hey gals, Lovin the blog and pics....not much happening here....think this colour of clothing to define our relationship status could become a hit here in Ireland!!! lol ;) Hope ye enjoying it......Stay safe :) xoxoxox em
Thanks for the birthday wishes. Ye will probably have a much more exciting day for my birthday than I will. Don,t think UHG would match up to Lake titticaca! Have another great day and keep the stories going. Think you will need more than one volume of that book.
With a memory like you have for detail I realise how you sailed trough school and college !!! I seriously have never met a better storyteller.
I can feel the fun between the lines! Muireann won't want to end this adventure.
Chat soon again, Margaret
What a time ye are having - you are a born teacher with all the facts - I must pull out the atlas and follow this - I wish I was there. What a sight to see an condor in all its majesty - wow. worth a bit of altitude sickness to get there! Sleeping under the stars, swimming in a hot pool in the mountains your mam would love that. She did sit in a hot tub in Sligo looking out at a big hill but she'd never get out if she was with ye. Drove home yesterday evening behind a bus - was a little nervous in case of flying black bags!.
Keep it coming - enjoy and keep safe
Thanks everyone!! Margaret that's the fourth animal that was in the reserve with the llamas, alpacas and vicunas, but we didn't see any of them- we saw the other three though.
Sounds like the trip is getting better every day! I would love the mountains and the warm pool but not the headache! Continue to enjoy every minute and mind yourselves.
Ah I thought of your dad when reading the end of your most recent blog.How he would love to sleep beneath the stars !!! Wouldn't he love to be there?
Don't know how you will ever settle back in either Sonna or Polinore.
Sounds like you are being quite adventurous with the food.
Aiden asks have you seen any Gwnacos yet ? Not sure if that's the correct name or spelling. He says it's like a small deer.
I told him it's unlikely that you would have seen it and not reported !!!!
Keep the blog going anyway. It's class. Slán for now.