Love the detail in the blog! Sounds like ye will have a bellyfull of history when ye are finished. Enjoy every minute. Its 7.30am so poor mam has to head off to work while ye visit parque eroticas! Keep safe and keep the posts going. Mam and Dad.
I am really enjoying the blog. Feel like I am on an adventure myself !! I really believe there's a book inside you !! You are a great story teller.
can't wait for the next update. Thanks for sharing it all with us. Take care, Mgt
Sally And Emma
Sounds like your having an eventful experience already!!! Love the sound of the door in the wall lol! :) The crazy driving reminds me of Thailand.....Galway playing Antrim in the next match....Saw Docs playing tomorrow for Volvo Ocean Race so seems to be a buzz about that! Keep us sightseeing, Love Sal and Emma xoxoxox