Forgot to say I love the photo accompanying todays blog. You look so happy and carefree in it !!
Margaret Mcd
For some strange reason, it hadn't registered with me until last night that I could text you !!! The blog has taken us over now that it's the new thing !! Yes poor John Joe was heartbroken as he said himself.
Dad is really in to the golf. Aiden says he has a lovely natural swing so watch this space !!
No more news for now. Chat soon. Glad you are feeling better. Your body was just telling you it needed a good rest. ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR BODY !!!
Thanks Margaret for your text. Feeling much better today now! I couldn't watch the boxing but heard it on the radio- felt sorry for John Joe but silver is still good!! Can't complain!
Margaret Mcd
Ah Poor Lorraine ! Sounds like things weren't exactly going your way in the last blog. Hope you are feeling much bettter. We need to feel unwell now and again to appreciate what it feels like to be well !!
Mullingar will hardly survive the night if John Joe wins the gold. Can't you just imagine the excitement ?
I was laughing when I read Gers comment-I had visions of her running around UCHG stark naked !!!
No news for now but I will be in touch again soon
Thanks for keeping me updated! Great to see some news in the messages.
Well Lorraine, We had a fab day here 27degrees I think. Of course you kinda miss it when you are at work. It was so hot at work I coluldn,t wait to get my clothes off. Doesn,t that sound interesting. I did put on lighter ones. A day for the dinner outside but your Dad wouldn,t agree! Hope Cordoba has more English speakers than Salta had.
Margaret Mcd
More boxing excitement today-John-Joe Nevin from Mullingar got through to the final. All the kids in Sonna will want to boxers now !!!
No more news really-my life is very boring when I read your blog. Will be in touch soon again.
Margaret Mcd
Great excitement in Ireland today over Katie winning the gold medal. It's great to give us all a boost. I am counting the days till you get to Shane. There will be great excitement !!!
No news really except that I find when I am on hols and have no routine, I get nothing done-it's like I keep postponing thins when I have all this time and they never get done.
Will be in touch soon again. Night Night
Alva, Glad the blogs are good study material! If only ur exam was about incas or mountains ud fly it!!! Chat ya soon
Hey Lor! Im reading your blogs instead of studying..yours is just way more interesting! So when I fail let it be known its your fault :P Sounds unreal..right up yours and Ps street! have to go now, goin for an Italian with the girls but said id check in with ya! chat ya soon dear x
Mary C
Still enjoying the blogs Lorraine and delighted you met english-speaking people yesterday! Good to know you got the photos. Yes, it was a great day and John and Fiona are on their travels: San Francisco, Las Vegas and New York. Tom and I have another wedding on Fri, 17th. Aug- Roisin O'Dea, Eimhin's friend. The wedding is in Straffan Church in
Kildare and afterwards in Barberstown Castle
so we are looking forward to that. I hope to
take hols over the next few weeks. Waiting for a forecast of fine weather but it does nt look like we'll get it even though yesterday was beautiful and we are promised a good day today. Other than that, it has been rain and more rain! I'll sign off for now and continue to enjoy your trip
Got the photos of the wedding- thanks everyone for trying to send them!! Looks like a great day!